"I simply told her she was beautiful and that i was drawn to her beauty. Then I asked her the kind of perfume she uses because she smelled nice. I looked her deep in the eyes and asked her if she would like to hang out sometime"

"Just like that?"

Jimin smacked his lips "Just like that..."

"But she wouldn't have looked twice at me if I wasn't looking as good as I do right now"

He leaned closer. "Number one; Always be confident. Number two: Always look your best. Number three, always mantain eye contact... Number four, Be Domina. you don't necessarily have to be like me... you just need to learn the skills"

Jimin smiled. "Do you want to try again?"

Taehyung shook his head. "I'm not ready yet..."

"Then let me teach you a little trick"

He suddenly pulled Taehyung by the arm and drew him close, their noses almost colliding. He kept him in place and looked him straight in the eyes. They were so close they could feel each other's breathes on their skin. Taehyung let out a tiny gasp as he looked into the other's eyes. He watched as Jimin slowly swept the hair away from his eyes tucking it behind his ear. Then his eyes lingered on his lips. Taehyung was shocked by how fast his heart was beating. It seemed like he was in some kind of spell when he noticed that Jimin's lips was just mere inches away from his own. Regaining his senses, he pushed him away.

"What the hell are you trying to do?" He yelled out in panic.

Jimin took a deep breath and closed his eyes. When he opened them, he looked back at him.

"I was arousing your interest..."

"Where you just trying to flirt with me?" Taehyung blurted out breathing fast.

"Yes...how did you feel? You were attracted to me right?"

Taehyung's cheeks burned. He didn't say anything and just looked away from Jimin.

"It's easy for someone not to take you seriously but you need to let the other to feel some kind of sexual tension when they are close to you. Don't make the other relaxed in your presence. When they are too relaxed, their sexual attraction for you diminishes and before you know it, you're just like everyone else but with you for example...."

He licked his lips sensually. "I stimulated your sexual attraction towards me and now, you're on edge"

Taehyung flushed. "Who's attracted to you?"

Jimin laughed, his voice resonated in Taehyung's head over and over again.

"Okay... fine but that's the first thing you must do. Consider yourself a hunter looking for a prey. Unless you are the prey itself then you can play hard to get however way you want but when you are the hunter, you need to act like one"

Taehyung nodded. He looked at Jimin nervously before asking. "So, the girl, are you hanging out with her"

The devilish smirk appearing on Jimin's face made Taehyung wonder why he even asked.

"What do you think?" He chuckled.

That day, Taehyung wasn't able to get anyone's number. He lacked so much confidence, it was depressing but Jimin assured him they still had time. On the fourth day, Taehyung got his first number. He was so proud and showed off in front of Jimin who was happy for him. One thing Taehyung didn't realize he had going for him was that he was extremely handsome. With his face alone, he could get any girl he wanted but he lacked the charisma so after a week had passed and Taehyung got his pocket money, Jimin pulled him to the boutique.

"Yah... what are you doing?" Taehyung complained dreadfully as Jimin held him by the hand literally dragging him on the streets.

"We are doing a total make over on you. You just got your pocket money so you will spend part of it on yourself"

Taehyung groaned "But I need it to buy some text books....that handbook we were supposed to get...."

Jimin turned to him with a small frown on his face.

"Do you want to get Jiyeon? Yes or no?"

Taehyung hung his head lifelessly and Jimin already got his answer. He dragged him to the boutique and began to select clothes for him. It did not exceed his budget and Taehyung was glad Jimin didn't over spend or he was really going to be in serious trouble. After purchasing new clothes, Jimin took Taehyung to the salon to get a new hair cut. His hair was too long so he trimmed it and curled it a bit. Next, they got contact lens for Taehyung to replace his spectacles.

That night, Jimin and Jungkook waited for Taehyung to emerge from the bathroom. They waited with bated breath.

"How do you think he's going to look?" Jungkook whispered.

"I have no idea..." Jimin answered. As soon as those words left his lips, Taehyung emerged from the bathroom.

The other two stared with open mouths. Jungkook began to clap thunderously, his face full of admiration as he looked at the newly transformed Kim Taehyung.

"Wow! Taehyung... you look hot! You look so handsome"

Taehyung looked at Jimin who had not said a word since he revealed himself but was looking at him with a smile on his lips. His eyes mixed with something he couldn't describe that it made Taehyung feel strange.

"What do you think?" He asked expectantly.

"I always knew you were handsome" He muttered under his breath causing even Jungkook to stare at him weirdly.

Then Jimin flashed a full smile. "You're ready now Tae... You're ready"

All these alpha things! Thanks for reading everyone

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