Chapter 1

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My name is Lily James and no I am not the actress. I'm just a regular gal from Texas. Who is in her last year of high school and of getting the guy of her dreams...

Chapter 1

Elvis and I are taking a ride all around our neighborhood. We do this every year it is now like a traditional thing of ours. He is my best friend but I've been holding something from him.

A secret that I've never told anyone other than George Strait. When I say that I mean the poster of him on my wall. I have the biggest, massive, gigantic, and horrible crush on David Jenkins.

Who is he you may ask? He is one of the cutest guys in our school. David is super popular for being the best soccer player. He has won them so many championships. Every girl in school wants him but not as bad as me.

My only issue is that we happened to be best friends too. Elvis is so clueless since he is always distracted by everything. I have never told him but I plan on telling him.

This is our last summer before we graduate High School. I want this summer to be different from all of them. I want to go out and experience love for once.

David Jenkins, I'm coming for you so get ready!

Lily's Secret CrushWhere stories live. Discover now