Can't Sleep| DekuBaku

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alright, im just gonna say that im basing this off of my anxiety attacks, and this is just how mine usually are. 

well, not the part where deku comforts him, nobody does that to me XD

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Bakugo's POV 

Right now, It's 8:23pm, and I'm getting ready for bed. I'm not gonna lie, my thoughts are kind of bothering me. Especially now that I have nothing to focus on, I just have to lay in bed with my thoughts. I really don't want to think about it, but I can't help it. 

But, whatever. I'll just try and go to sleep quickly. I'll get over it.

I walk over to my bed, and as soon as I lay down, I hear a knock. I groan, before getting up and opening the door. I look and see Deku standing there in his pajamas. "Hi Kacchan!" He smiled. "What do you want, nerd." I asked. "I was wondering if I could sleep here again. Kaminari is being really loud." He chuckled. "Whatever, sure." I said, letting him in. 

You may be thinking, 'What the hell? Don't you hate him?" Ha, you're wrong. We're actually dating. It's been 4 months since me and Deku got together. And I'm not gonna lie, I'm really happy. He confessed to me after school on a Friday, at our childhood playground. Around 3 months before he confessed, I apologized to him for everything I did, and me and him got both pretty close to each other, before we got together.  

Anyways, I let him in, he kissed my cheek, took of his shoes, and flopped down on my bed. "Come on, Kacchan." He whined. I roll my eyes. "Yeah, yeah." I said, getting in the bed with him. I turn to the side, my back facing him. "G'night, Deku." "Goodnight, Kacchan." 






Fuck. I can't sleep.

It's been about 5 minutes, since I laid down, but my thoughts are going crazy. I keep worrying about every little thing. What happens when we die? Why do we die? How would I die? Why is death so scary? What if I die before I can start my hero career? What if Izuku dies before he can become a hero? What if he breaks up with me? What if he tells all my friends about what I did to him? Will they hate me? Of course they'll hate me, what am I thinking? If Izuku leaves me, everything is over. I'll be left alone, like always. Nobody will love me. Not even my own mother loves me.

My breathing starts to speed up, and my chest feels extremely tight. Before I know it, tears are rolling down my face. It feels like I'm choking. I start to tremble. It feels extremely cold, but I'm also sweating.'Be quiet, you don't want to wake Izuku.' I tell myself. But that just makes it worse. 

God, I don't deserve him. He's perfect. I've bullied him before. Why isn't he just leaving me? Is he trying to toy with me? But he doesn't seem like the person to do that. Is he pitying me? He probably is. He saw how pathetic my life is, and he's just feels sorry for me. What will happen if he does leaves me? Will everyone be on his side? Will no one talk to me anymore? I bet my friends are just pitying me as well. Kirishima is so nice, but I'm so rude to him. Why is he my friend? Why does he try to get so close to me? Why is he so persistent? Why, why, why, why?!! Why are my thoughts like this?! Why can't I stop them?! They just keep coming! I don't want these thoughts!! Why does this happen so often?!!

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