Chapter-8: Am I in love?

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Thalia's POV:

I woke feeling comfortable as elysium, I didn't wanted to leave my bed, I nuzzled my pillow softly which was bobbing,

Wait! my pillow was bobbing. My eyes snapped opened I saw I was on somebody's chest,a male chest.

I looked up to find my roommate Ghost

Oh fuck I slept with a man I know his handsome and dashing but if Lady Artemis figured it out she will kill me or will Kick me out.

Wait did I called him handsome I am loosing my mind.

He started to groan than he looked at me ,"Morning Lieutenant. " he was not completely wake 

"Mm..Morning, but..." I said.

He noticed that we're sleeping together.

He gasped and moved out of the bed without a warning and I was left on bed.

"Did... we" he said a little bit afraid.

"Uhh...nope actually as I remember I was crying and you comforted me and we both slept I don't think we had sex." I said.

"That's good." He said.

"Uh...Ghost can you please keep this a secret, if my Lady figured it out she will kill both of us,especially you." I said

"Okay promise."he said and I smiled and .... hugged him.

What is happening to me ?!?

He just left to the washroom

I waited for him when he came I literally died at the sight of his hot body.

His muscles were looking more awesome than night his wet hairs were falling in front of his eyes.

And a V-line went from his waist into the towel which he had around his waist

I think I stared for too long at him.

"Are you checking me out?" He said and I blushed red as tomato.

"" I stammered and he just gave me a cocky grin and I blushed crimson red.

"Shit! Are you blushing or you're sick?" He said with a little bit concern, I think hs is just concerned about his roommate.

"I-I-I am okay." I said and left for the bathroom.
After having a bath,I just look at my self in mirror

"Am I falling in love?" I question myself.

"No, I am a hunter I can't fall in love with someone I barely know. "

My brain started to think more about him his images were flashing in front of my eyes

"Uh... snap it off Thalia you're just 15 and he looks like about 20 or 21." I said

[No comment on Ghost's age.]

I left the bathroom and went to Cafeteria.

Where it use to be a couple of long benches with table,now were a some tables and chairs like restaurants.

"Commander wants us to sit and eat together. " Ghost said from behind startling me

"You frightened me. " I said

"You should start eating. " he said and sat and a full British breakfast apeared with a cup of coffee

"Aren't we too early?" I asked

He looked at his watch than said,"Other's should ne here..........Now." he said and The guy whose name I remember as Soap came.

"Morning Ghost." He said with a slight salute

"Morning Soap." He replied in same manner.

"Where's Judy?" I asked him.

"Who? her? Sleeping, I tried to wake ger but she said,

"I will wake whenever I like,stupid boy." He said that part in high-pitched voice.

[They can't eat if there partner is not with them]
I chuckled and started to eat and then some other Ghosts arived. Greeted eachother and silently ate.

Ghost finished his coffee and tosed the plastic cup in a bin behind him without even turning.
"Nice throw." I commented
"Last night one was better. " he said

[When he broke hunters bows.]

Percy arrived completely drenched in sweat.

"Good Morning Ghosts and Hun..." he stopped when he noticed there was only me from hunters.

"Where are the other hunters?" He asked.

"Sleeping" whose name I remember as Hesh said.

"What?! but it's already 6:13." He stated.

And Lady Artemis also entered.

"Morning Girls." She said but noticed the lack of Girls.

"Your girls are lazy." Perseus stated and I could sense the amount of anger in his voice.

"Man, Percy is really strict,isn't he?" I said

"Nope his not, he is the god of time and tides and both of them wait for none." He said

Yeah he was right other girls are wasting their time and are disrespecting his domain.

"Artemis,this the last warning for your girls because if they did the same again
you can't even save them." He stated.

And My Lady nodded with a gulp.

"Looks like she's afraid of Commander."
Ghost said.

"Yeah,maybe because he is the one who defeated Ares without a proper training as a kid,what you can't expect from a him after becoming a god."

He just nodded

When the Hunters arrived my Lady said,"Girls! you're late again if you repeated the mistake again so you will be punished!"

All girls stared at her in shock and fear

"Understood?" She asked.

They all nodded and had breakfast.

[Before we continue lets clear the partners

Ghost- Thalia
Soap- Judy
Logan- Phoebe
Hesh- Atlanta
Kick- Elizabeth
Thomas- Olivia
David- Katlien
Thomas- Natalie
Ajax- Brenda

Remember the pairs,no confusion. ]

Percy's POV:

"So ladies and gentlemen, how was your socializing, let's start with Ghost?" I said

Ghost stood and said," Not much,told Thalia about my past and same did her."

"Good, Logan. " I said and he stood up from his chair

"Well Commander, well I told her my name my date of birth...." he went silent

"Aaand" I asked nothing.

"Well Okay good enough for starting." I said

"Okay,now Hesh." I said

And he said the same.

"Okay now anyone who has told the other something more then the age stand up." I said and david stood

"David speak." I said

"My father was killed by one of his Allies. " he said and sat

"Okay. " I said clearly not satisfied.

"So today you guys will work out together and as duos." I said.

They all nodded and then sound of Thalia came."Hey,Percy what did you and mi lady did?"

I turned around and asked,"What do you mean Thals?"

"I mean socializing. " She said and .....

End of the chapter

To be continued...

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