Chapter- 24: The Final Chapter

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6 months later-

Thalia's POV:
It's been six months and hunters don't give a flying fuck about Lady Artemis dating Percy.

Until when Percy starts pushing through boundaries.

Like once....


Third Person POV:

Percy and Artemis joined them for breakfast and two cups of coffee apeared in front of them.

Percy being stupid, and show off boyfriend.

Did something weird he control the steam coming from Artemis's cup and made a heard out of it.

Artemis blushed,"...Wh..what are you doing we're in Cafeteria right now..." she whispered.

"So what, beautiful?" He asked giving her his most infamous smirk which can make anyone fluster, even her.

Her Yellowish cheeks turned to complete gold and her eyes got lost.
Like she was flying through a dreamland.....

.....Dreamland of her being with him,playing with his hairs,cuddling, hugging and kissing.

She felt a dreamy smile appear on her lips.

"Why.... are charming..?" She whispered. Letting her chin rest on her hand.

"And why are you so cute?" He said mirroring her action and way of speaking.

While there free hands started to crawl towards the others to hold it.

"I love you...My reef skull, more than anything or anyone can find it out."

"I love you too... My Princess Luna, More than you anyone can find out ."


They both came out of there little heaven

When the heard that sound.

They turned around to check there background.

And well,Hunters excluding Thalia And Phoebe Aimed there bows at Percy.

While Ghosts aimed there revolver and pistols at hunters,excluding Ghost Cause he was holding knives in the middle of his finger aimed at them already.

Anyone can mistake him as a British Version of Sebastian from Book Of Atlantic just with hazel eyes and more stern looks.

Anyone can mistake him as a British Version of Sebastian from Book Of Atlantic just with hazel eyes and more stern looks

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"You release, so do we." Said Ghost.

All hunters hunters but put there bows down.

Percy sighed and thought of him being happy at there home. He could flirt with her, hug her, tease her,play with her Auburn strands,hold her hands, kiss her luscious juicy lips, whenever or wherever he wanted but not now.

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