Chapter 14

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Newt's POV

I wake up before anyone else and I can immediately tell that my eyes are red and puffy. I'm still sistraught about Tommy but I'm also angry now. He knew the rules, he knew how much I care about him yet he still went out there. I want to be angry enough to hate him, to forget about him but I can't. I stand up and walk over to the East Door. I don't know why but my legs are taking me there. When I get there Chuck's asleep. He really doen't want to believe that they're gone. I don't want to believe it either but I know it's true. Then why I am I over here? I shake away the thought and wake up Chuck.

"Hey Chuck, wake up, the doors are opening soon" He opens his eyes and scrambles up.

"I'm sorry about yesterday" he says sheepishly.

"No, problem, we were all upset, people do strange things when they're upset." he nods and turns back to the wall.

"I know what you're gonna say, they're not coming back but I just want to be sure" I guess that's why I'm over here, just in case.

"I know, me too" He turns to me, smiles and then turns back.

The doors are about to open and most of the Gladers are gathered around the door, even Gally. The ground starts to shake and my breath catches in my throat. My mind starts to swim with what if's and I can't shake them off. A gap starts to show in the wall and I crane my neck to see. Nothing. No Alby, no Minho... No Tommy. The doors are now fully open and there is no sign of any of them. I sigh and start to turn around and walk away, along with most of the others.

"I'm sorry Chuck" I've taken about two steps when I hear a gasp behind me, followed by a 'no way' I turn my head sharply towards Chuck who's pointing towards the maze. My gaze follows his own and I don't believe my eyes. Stumbling down the maze corridor is Minho and Tommy, carrying an unconcious Alby. I can't move or speak. The second they reach the Glade they put Alby down so he can be taken away by Medjacks and look up. Tommy looks around until his eyes find mine. We stare at eachother for a few seconds before I run towards him and straight into him. He gasps at the impact but soon enough wraps his arms around my waist and we're both crying. I lean back slighty so I can kiss him. I can't believe that I have my Tommy back. We pull away when we hear a cough beside us. Minho is standing with a butter-wouldn't-melt look on his face. I look at him questioningly and he sighs.

"Also not dead" I laugh and hug him too.

"You two have a lot of explaining to do" I say looking between them.

"Sure, but first, we need some food" says Tommy. I nod and Fry rushes off to the kitchen to get them something.

"While he's doing that I'm going to go and get some water, come on Chuck, let's leave them alone" Minho pushes Chuck forwards slightly and sends us a cheeky grin. I shake my head and look back at Tommy. One look at his puppy dog eyes and any anger that was in me fades away.

"Don't you bloody dare go scaring me like that again, I thought you were dead." I say quietly, nuzzling my face in his neck.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" he whispers in my ear. I shake my head as best as I can in my current position.

"It's okay" i mumble. I step back and kiss him again. "Now, you need food" His eyes light up.

"I smell bacon" he says giddily as he grabs my hand and drags me towards the kitchen.

I feel like my writing is really bad at the minute

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