Chapter 13

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I really can't be bothered to write about Thomas in the maze so this will be from Newt's POV, it will show both POVs when he comes back from the maze.

Newt's POV

I yelled and reached out for Thomas in vain as he pushed himself through the rapidly decreasing gap in the wall. By the time I reach the doors they have slammed shut leaving me pounding on the wall tears running down my face. My two best friends and my boyfriend are trapped out in the bloody maze for a night. No one survives a night in the maze. No one. My throat feels raw as I scream, still pounding against the wall. I feel someone, probably more than one person, drag my away and my screams turn into violent sobs. I'm surprised at the first voice I hear.

"Slim it Newt! They're gone, I'm sorry but they're gone, you're supposedly in charge now and you need to pull yourself together. I know that they all meant a lot to you, Alby and Minho meant a lot to all of us, but we need you." I open my eys in shock at Gally. He sounds genuinely sorry. I nod and sniff before standing up.

"where's Chuck?" I ask. The younger boy is probably nearly as upset as me. Gally points over to the wall and I see Chuck sitting on the floor just looking at the doors. "It's getting dark, tell Frypan to start dinner, and tell the others to get the fire going, I'm going to speak to Chuck." Gally nods and we go our seperate ways.

When I reach Chuck I hear sniffling. He hears me walking towards him and turns round. As soon as he sees me he stands up, runs over to me and wraps his arms around me. I stand awkwardly for a few seconds before kind of hugging him back, more like patting him on the back.

"Sorry" he mumbles as he lets go. I chuckle lightly.

"It's okay, I'll miss them too" He looks at me as if I just threatened to feed him to a Griever.

"They're coming back. Minho knows that maze better than anyone, they have to come back." He looks so dtetermined and he almost convinves me.

"No one ever survives a night in the maze Chuck, no one has and no one ever will, you know that." he shoves me so unexpctedly that I almost fall over.

"They'll be back!" he storms off towards the fire and I'm surprised to see Gally comforting him. I guess he's not as much of a douche as I thought. I shake my head and follow him over there.

"Thanks Gally" I say as I pass. He.... smiles? I shudder and walk round to Zart.

"Hey Newt I'm sorry, we're all gonna miss them, I've known Alby and Minho for ages and Thomas seemed like a nice kid." I smile and shrug in response.

"Here you are Newt" I look up to see Fry holding a plate of food. I take it and thank him. I can tell that everyone's gong to be tip-toeing around me for the next few days. I eat my meal in silence and head over to the deadheads. I lie down and close my eyes. The tears start to flow almost immediately. I feel pathetic but I can't help it. The three people I care about most in this bloody place are gone, and they're not coming back.

"Goodbye Tommy" I whisper into the darkness. "I'll miss you"

This was a really sucky chapter sorry

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