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Nma woke up in stages; she felt Uche's hands tighten around her waist and with that action the events of the night before came back to her. She couldn't count how many times his searching hands woke her up during the night. What beautiful experiences they had all been, she sighed with a satisfied smile. It was everything she had imagined. The gentle way he had loved her, taking his time to please her without frightening her and drawing her out of her shy inhibition to match his pace. She could still remember his passion laden deep voice when he said to her

"I will hurt you only this first time and never again" she smiled happily, thinking how lucky she was to be his wife. She wondered if she pleased him as well. She was shy and nervous the first time but thinking of the things she had done subsequently out of her own volition, she cringed inside.

She never knew she was that passionate, she never knew this wild side of her nature until last night with her husband. Without meaning to, she began to feel jealous of every other woman who had been touched by him. Those women who must have felt the way she was feeling then, like Heaven was a breath away. And then with that thought she remembered Angela and the satisfied look she had on her face the morning she found her on Uche's bed and her happiness crumbled.

Angela was the only other woman she knew who must have felt like singing just like the way she was feeling now, she thought hurt and angry. She looked at herself lying naked beside Uche who was sleeping soundly; he looked relaxed and a bit exhausted. She remembered Angela telling her how virile he was and how high his libido was and she sighed in shame. Angela couldn't have known unless from experience and experience had shown her that indeed Angela was right. And she wondered angrily what had happened to her resolve not to let things come to this.

Then she remembered the sophisticated way he had seduced her with wine, flowers, good food and soft music after he had promised he wouldn't touch her. Angrily she slowly removed his hands from her waist and stood up; she picked up his robe from the floor and belted it around her. She walked over to the window feeling like a fool. He had once told her that if he wanted to sleep with her, he only needed to use his experience to overwhelm her and get her to do what he wanted her to do and the fool she was fell for it, but never again she vowed. Could she honestly say it was entirely his fault, was she honestly seduced? She reasoned. She wanted to be loved by him desperately and he didn't have a prayer last night not with that night gown. She had thoroughly enjoyed his loving and still wanted to be with him again, her eyes widened in surprise at the thought of still wanting him. she was not in denial that she loved him and wanted him but she didn't want to make it easy for him after he cheated with Angela and didn't have the guts to own up to it. There would be no next time, she vowed. Not until he owned up to his sins. Only then would she give in to her own desires and passion to make love to him once again.

She felt a gentle pressure on her shoulders "Good morning" Uche breathed drawing her into his arms. Without meaning to she relaxed on his body and sighed with pleasure, enjoying the warmth and comfort his body represented.

"Did you sleep well?" he asked

"I can't say for sure, someone woke me up every time I tried aside from that it was wonderful"

Uche turned her around and peered into her face as if to make sure she was alright. Nma smiled up at him a bit shy with his intense gaze and he smiled relieved and then he kissed her softly and slowly deepened the kiss. She was lost again and she gave herself up to the pure pleasure she was feeling inside. He loosened the robe and kept kissing her. "Come back to bed" he urged her in a whisper.

At that instant reality came back and she remembered what she had vowed to do, never to give in to her desire of being held in his hands again till he proved to her that he wouldn't cheat on her again.

WHEN THE HEART KNOWS  (BILLIONAIRE BAD BOYS BOOK 1     BY Chioma OnuohaWhere stories live. Discover now