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Nma walked back to her house feeling elated, joyous and wonderful, she closed the door, leaned back on it with a dreamy look on her face. There was no going back she thought. She couldn't deny it any longer; Uche was everything she wanted in a man and more. He was so handsome and huge she breathed and sat down on the arm chair he had sat on. His pure male scent still lingered in the cushions. Contented, she relaxed on the armchair, feeling and breathing in his scent as if he was still there. The share masculinity he exuded. The way he controlled his temper and the way he said serious things calmly but with firm authority all the time Ken tried to upset him. He never raised his voice; neither did he call him names when Ken called him names, ranging from bastard, blackmailer to womanizer. He only let Ken know of what he was going to do and how he was going to do it fearlessly.

How he jumped into her defense when Ken practically called her a money monger. Going ahead to applaud and describe her to the very fine tips. Truly he was everything she needed in man so what was she hesitating for? She asked herself. Well if at all she would give in to this temptation he would be her first true love affair. If she did give in, she would be going in with her whole heart and if she got hurt, she might never recover. But if she didn't, her heart would still be broken and the effect would still be as disastrous, she thought ruefully. The truth was that she was already in too deep. She had allowed herself to fall in love with a man she barely knew, a man everybody called a womanizer and a man women were always after, meaning she would be in constant competition with them. Being a man he might get attracted to one of them even for a fleeting moment even that would break her heart she thought.

But was she really into it? She asked herself, was she willing to take the final step which would lead to his bed. Was she ready to face the wrath of God? He was everything she wanted in a man and she was sure God had designed that both of them would spend the rest of their lives together because she was sure that their coming together was foreordained. There was a force greater than what the eyes could see and that force was drawing both of them together. If that be the case she reasoned, if truly God approved that both of them would be together. If that was the case, there was no need to fear that he would leave her because she said no to sex. She was sure that. As much as she tried to hold on that faith, she knew it was shaky, the guy could hardly keep his hands off her. He was used to a certain kind of life, he would never accept it. She could see him struggling to be celibate and failing at it miserably and worst of all hating her for demanding it. She shuddered at the word hate that was the last thing she wanted. She couldn't bear for him to hate her. She would rather set him free than have him hate her, she sighed. Why couldn't she just fall in love with Ken, with Ken she wouldn't spend time being afraid of losing him. She sighed and got up from the chair and saw his half drank juice; she couldn't resist feeling a taste of him again so she lifted the cup to her lips. She closed her eyes and drank from the cup, again feeling the taste of him on her lips. She savored the moment. She didn't realize she was crying till she felt the tears on cheeks. There was no need to shed tears about the hopelessness of her love for him, she thought. She dried her tears and picked up the cups and tray and carried it to the kitchen

"Oh, what a mess" she sighed as she rinsed the cups. Why at this time when she needed all her wit about her to forge ahead did this man choose to come and snatch her heart away without so much as by your leave? Then she said a single prayer "Help me dear Lord to live in thine own way" then she turned and left for her studio where she could forget him for a moment.

Nma worked till her back was almost breaking, tiredly she went off to bed. As her head hit the bed, she was up again excited, waiting for Uche to call. She waited for a long time and when the phone didn't ring, a fierce wave of disappointment washed over her.

WHEN THE HEART KNOWS  (BILLIONAIRE BAD BOYS BOOK 1     BY Chioma OnuohaWhere stories live. Discover now