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Nma woke up at the sound of the birds singing. It was a beautiful dawn and the rising sun was splendid but she turned a blind eye to it.

"I slept round the clock" she muttered in surprise and mild disgust. It was as if the turmoil inside her got the better of her and her body decided to take a rest whether she wanted or not.

She moved to bathroom. She had a refreshing shower and dressed in dark blue skirt suit and pulled her hair tightly behind her enhancing her hazel eyes.

When she was set to go, she searched for her car keys where she usually kept them and didn't find them, alarmed she began to look for it furiously, at the back of her mind was a friend mentioning that bad things came in threesome. She didn't want the missing car keys to be the number three. Then it dawned on her that her car was at her store. She heaved a sigh of relief and actually laughed at her thoughts.

She walked into the living room and glanced at her watch impatiently.

"I could as well have breakfast" she told herself but the thought of food was the last thing on her mind. She could only think about her plans and she couldn't wait to act on them. Come rain or shine, she would have her fashion show, she vowed.

And then she heard the sounds of cars driving in and she ran to the window to see. She saw two cars, one was Felix's and the other her own and she smiled. This was a miracle; she thought and hurried to open the door before they could knock. She was touched by Tessy puffed up eyes. She had been crying for her.

"Oh Nma! I just heard" she cried pulling her into her arms. Nma embraced her, receiving her comfort gratefully before moving out of the way to let them in. Nma sat down and Tessy sat beside her sniffling softly while Felix hovered over them.

"I couldn't believe it when I heard" sobbed Tessy "How could Uche have done this?"

It was difficult to know who needed consoling between the two of them, Nma thought. Tessy was sobbing uncontrollably that she had put her hands around her to console her.

"Cut it out Tessy" Felix roared "It is Nma who needs comforting, not you"

"I'm sorry" she said to Nma "But it is all so painful when I think there will be no wedding"

Nma wanted to laugh, for Tessy her break up with Uche was the tragedy and losing all her money didn't come into play.

Tessy had already learnt from her husband that Nma was in denial about her mother so she thought it would be best not to talk about it then. To her loosing Uche was more brutal, Nma was like a daughter to her, and she had planned on enjoying every bit of planning her wedding like she would her own daughter. If only Felix had allowed her to come see Nma last night, she thought, she had a perfect solution for all her problem.

"I wanted to come last night when I heard but Felix wouldn't let me" she complained looking at her husband angrily.

"He was right, I was dead to the world then" said Nma trying to sound cheerful.

"But I know how painful it would have been for you to stay here alone; you are supposed to be surrounded by family"

"I will survive Tessy, I am a survivor and besides this is just a trial, it will come to an end" she smiled

"But you two will make up again, what really happened?" Tessy asked even as her husband frowned at her.

Nma sighed; she didn't want to talk about Uche or making up with him especially not this morning.

WHEN THE HEART KNOWS  (BILLIONAIRE BAD BOYS BOOK 1     BY Chioma OnuohaWhere stories live. Discover now