"It is over for good Tessy".

"Tessy!" Felix cut in sharply. "I am sure Nma has more important things pressing on her mind"

Nma smiled gratefully at Felix preparing her speech.

"But she loves him and still does. She would have been a very happy woman with him. I mean what could be more important than that. Money can come and go easily but when one looses a true love, she loses a part of herself forever"

"If Uche's love was true, he wouldn't have cheated on me" replied Nma

"Cheated on you!" the two of them turned to look at her.

"With Angela, look I don't want to talk about this now, like Felix rightly said, I have more pressing things on my mind"

"From all you told me about that lying scoundrel Angela, I believe there is no length she wouldn't have gone to have him and he is only a man"

"We are not here to resolve the issue between Nma and Uche "

"Felix I have a plan" Nma interjected quickly before Tessy could say anything more.

"What plan?"

"I am going to borrow some money with my house"

"You cannot do that? Said Felix

"Why Felix, it seems the only choice we have. All I want to know is where I can borrow with a considerably low interest rate"

"I would say that is where Uche Okoha comes in" said Tessy. "I mean Finance houses would take too long and they are very risky, if you don't pay back at the stipulated time, the house is gone. Money lenders, double risky their interest rates are as high as Kilimanjaro but Uche wouldn't ask for any interest at all"

"Tessy please let us talk about this first before solution" her husband said exasperated.

"You can't borrow with this house, I know that deep inside you don't want to and I have no reason except that you might end up losing the house, I know how proud your father was of it"

"Felix let me take the risk, as you can see I am penniless so what is the use of owning a property, is it not to fall back on in the times of trouble" asked Nma reasonably

"Yes it is but this one is out of question"

"Why? Give me a good reason or I am going ahead with my plans" Nma threatened.

Felix stood up confused, how was he going to tell her? He asked himself. He couldn't do this, not after Amber and the way she reacted. She might be pretending that she didn't overhear their conversation but he knew she was still in shock. This one might take her over the board and besides he promised her father that he would never let her feel the heat of it. He turned to face her

"Out with it Felix! It is another bad news isn't it? Don't worry; I have been expecting bad news number three. What could be worse than losing your love and all your money?

"Oh my!" Tessy exclaimed "I totally forgot" she said getting a hard stare from her husband.

"This house is already on mortgage" announced Felix sitting down.

Nma stared at him like he suddenly grew horns "It can't be? When? Who mortgaged it Felix?

"Your father did?"

"Daddy did?" she asked confused "How come he never told me?"

Nma didn't want to believe it but Felix would not lie to her, she thought. Oh he would she accepted, he had been lying about Amber, lying to her all these years she thought. Anyway she had more pressing issues to worry about and Amber was not one of them.

WHEN THE HEART KNOWS  (BILLIONAIRE BAD BOYS BOOK 1     BY Chioma OnuohaWhere stories live. Discover now