She was so engrossed in her thoughts and she didn't have the faintest idea of what he was talking about.

"The landscape" he answered "They are some of the reason why I love this place"

"Yes it is, I haven't stopped looking at them myself"

"Where we are going is even better"

"It would help if you would tell me where we are going?"

"Don't worry you will love it" he turned back to the stirring.

They were silent for a while; Nma was enjoying the view while Uche concentrated on the road. He knew exactly what was going on in her mind. She was used to being sure of where she went and what she did. He knew that keeping her in the dark about their destination was making her nervous. He smiled and rubbed her shoulders. "Not much longer now"

"How much longer?"

"If you look at the top of that hill, you will see a white house with a golden roof"

Nma's breath caught in her throat, calling the building a house was an understatement. It was more like a castle standing proudly at the top of the hill.

Uche made a left turn which brought them upon the house and they drove into the compound and kept driving. The road leading to the castle was planted on both sides with colorful flower trees. Uche brought the car to a stop in front of the house; he turned to her full of proud smile as she stared with awe. "Welcome to my home"

"It's...beautiful...I mean incredible" she said breathless, taken aback by the share splendor of the castle.

"Thank you"

They got out of the car

"You should have told me where we were going?"

Nma could feel her fear rising, why would he bring her to his house, was he thinking he could get her to succumb in this paradise? No she hastily added she trusted him. Moreover he hadn't done anything since they were back together to suggest that he couldn't be trusted. He watched her puzzled face, wondering why she was suddenly afraid and uncertain about being with him. Then understanding dawned on him. She was afraid he brought her here to seduce her. He felt his temper rise, when was she ever going to trust him? He had given her his word and if she was not going to trust him then all these were a waste of time.

"I didn't bring you here to seduce you" he told her in clipped tones.

Startled by his anger she turned to him "I wasn't..."

"You were" he snapped "And I think it's high time you trust me"

"This is my retreat" He began in a softer tone "I brought you because I love this house and thought you would too and nothing more" he began to walk towards the house and Nma followed feeling like a fool.

"I am sorry Uche"

"Apology accepted" he said

" Retreat you said?" asked Nma as they began to walk to the entrance.

"Yes village retreat, you know those times when you feel you need some time alone or you want to hide from the harsh realities of life, this is the place"

At the sound of their knock, the door was opened by a middle aged woman, just like the woman back in his house in the city. The difference between this house keeper and the one back in the city was that this one was friendly while the other one was surly and rude.

"Nma this is Mrs. Ekpo, she and her husband takes care of the house for me, this is Nma"

The woman greeted her eagerly, ushering her into the magnificent hall way "You are very much welcomed to Eden Castle Miss,

WHEN THE HEART KNOWS  (BILLIONAIRE BAD BOYS BOOK 1     BY Chioma OnuohaWhere stories live. Discover now