McCall (Stiles Stilinski x Reader)

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Another chapter! Crazy!

Ps if your following I'm currently writing the next chapter of my Sane Love story.


Summary: (Y/n) and Scott McCall are trapped in the school running from the Alpha along with Stiles, Lydia, Allison and Jackson.

When Scott volunteers to get the keys from the janitors dead body, (Y/n) forcefully takes his place.

Read to find out more

Call the Alpha they said, it would be a good plan they said. Yeah well they were fucking wrong! And by they I mean Stiles and Scott. If I had known that was their genius plan I would have stopped them, but noooo.

Here the three of us are running through the school halls for our lives while the Alpha is chasing us. Derek was impaled and possibly dead, who the hell knows. I hope not, he's a cool dude.

The janitor is dead too, though he was annoying and did make me scrub gum off the floor once as a punishment. But still, no need for him to die.

I was bought out of my thoughts by the ringing of a phone. I turned my head in the direction.

"Whats wrong?" Stiles asked the both of us.

"It's a phone ringing" I said.

"Allison's phone" Scott said, using Stiles's phone to ring her.

"Stiles?" She asked.

"Allison? Where are you?" Scott asked panicked.

"I'm on the first floor" she answered confused.

"Wait there" Scott said, hanging up.

Before I could even get a word out he was running off to her.

"Fucking hell" I mumbled as Stiles sighed.

"Guess we need to follow" he said and I nodded.


So apparently the Alpha has sent a message to Allison, saying to meet Scott at the school. As well as that Jackson and Lydia are here too unfortunately.

Well I don't really hate Jackson but I do hate Lydia. Is it because I'm jealous? Maybe but not the point. She has such an amazing guy that likes her and doesn't even care. Okay so I'm jealous, so what. You would be too if the first and only love of your life didn't feel the same way about you. In case you aren't following, I'm talking about my brother and I's best friend Stiles.

Yeah I know, I fell in love with my best friend, tragic isn't it?

I watched as he tried talking to Lydia, sighing to myself.

"He'll never love you, just give up already" I told myself.

The others were surrounding Lydia as she tried making some type of bomb as a defence.

I slumped down the wall, my bottom hitting the floor as I ran my fingers through my hair as I thought of our current situation.

"No way (Y/n), that's a horrible idea" I scolded.

"But at least none of the people you care about will get hurt" I reasoned.

"Are you okay (Y/n)?" I heard Allison ask from where the others were standing, making them all look at me.

"Fine" I mumbled, running a hand over my face and pushing myself up.

"Okay the bombs done" Lydia said, handing it to Scott.

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