Analysis of the Enemy

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November 20th, 2025

London is being held by the invading force. The gates in San Diego, Ginza Ward, Sydney, and St Petersburg are contained and no hostile forces have been reported. In recent news, the number of volunteers for military forces around the world have spiked.

(Hannah Watkins | RAAF Base near Sydney)

"Look at this," I remarked.

I was staring at the crystalline parts in the hangar of Sydney International Airport. It was the closest airport where military aircraft could take off. The Hornet fighters were starting to get shot down faster than previously expected. However, a recovery mission by the has managed to recover parts of the enemy fighters.

"The crystal structure seems to have unique characteristics,"the DARPA representative stated,"It seems like our radio waves struggle to register the target."

Photos of the enemy aircraft were near the scattered parts. Marshall picked up a picture of the aircraft.

"Their tails, though," he stated.

He placed the slide into the projector, and it showed on the board. They resembled a bird and the tail of the plane moves freely. It seems like the engine is attached to the tail as well. The thrust vectoring of the aircraft is insane.

"It's going to be a struggle for using Fox 1," I mumbled.

"Fox 2 and 3 missiles don't have the thrust vectoring capabilities to keep track," the representative mentioned.

"So an aircraft that can outmaneuver the missiles and even if they can keep up, their aforementioned stealth capabilities won't guarantee a hit in the end," Marshall pieced together,"Just like the Xi."


Everyone including me looked at Marshall in confusion.

"What are these Xi?" I asked.

He sighed,"It's an anime. But by looking at their pictures and these parts, they're nearly the same thing."

Everyone was surprised that this sort of thing might come in handy.

"How did they defeat them?" the representative asked.

"Top scientists in different countries used our aircraft in this world and used parts of the Xi to make capable fighters and pilots," Marshall explained, "They were called daughters and anima respectively."

"Is there any way a human can shoot one down?"

"If they hold true to their anime counterparts...only daughters and anima were able to shoot them down."

"But that might take a long time to develop."

"The other thing is making drones, but their IFF was scrambled to paint foes as allies and vice versa."

"I guess that's why your callsign is Otaku."

"That sure is why."

(Arnold Kennedie | Camp Pendleton in San Diego)

I held the laser weapon in my left hand. It was a laser pistol that seemed to fastened by screws. It seemed to be controlled like a normal weapon. The magazine was some sort of battery pack. The biggest flaw seemed to be the use of suppressors or rather the inability to use one.

"I wonder how it works," I thought.

I placed the standard issue equipment on a table down range. Testing the enemies equipment is going to be the biggest edge. I placed the stock into my shoulder and steadied my aim.

"Standby," the firing range instructor paused,"Fire."

I released a long breath before pulling the trigger. The gun barely kicked back into my shoulder. The laser bolt shot forward at an incredible speed, faster than any known bullet. The bolt landed on the plate carrier. We couldn't tell if it penetrated or not.

"Fuck that was louder than I thought," the instructor stated.

"Sure was," I chimed while laying the rifle down.

I scribbled a few notes talking about the characteristics of the weapon.

"Do you think it has an overheat function?" I asked.

"Only one way to find out," he said.

I walked over to a different booth with the weapon and aimed down range. I pulled back on the trigger and the laser bolts spat out of the barrel. It was around 50 shots before needing to cool down. I waited for a few moments until I could fire again. Sadly, I couldn't keep track on how long the pause was.

"That was 2.5 seconds for a cool down time," the instructor informed.

"We still have to check on the plate carrier," I mentioned.

"That's true."

We both walked up to the target at the end of the shooting range. The ceramic plate managed to break entirely but the ballistic gel behind it remained unscathed.

"We can't take multiple hits. Looks like we might have to carry multiple strike plates," I analyzed.

"By the way, did they have an armor force?" the instructor asked.

"We didn't encounter any in the city."

"What about their armor?"

"So far, pistol ammunition couldn't penetrate it. It even seemed like our 5.56 bullets made a dent in them as well."

(Lillith Taylor | Southampton, United Kingdom)

"Their tactics are very unique. A mix of guerilla and police tactics," I stated, "If the defenders are holed up somewhere, start a siege."

"Is there any better ways to counter it?" Charlie asked.

"The best thing to do is to fight fire with fire. Our movements are similar to theirs, the best thing we can do is play our cards right."

December 1st, 2025

Reports of a major operation came into light today involving an attack on the enemy controlled city of London. Futher rumors mention the movement of the Australian Army to move in their respective gates. This is the first step in fighting back.

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