The Battle of Italica

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(January 31st, 2026)

(Hannah Watkins | RAAF)

[Location: Oceania and Southeast Asia Gate]

Today marks the day of the first offensive in the Special Region. There are people counting on us to liberate the heart of the Rose Empire we sought to free.

I tightened the gloves around my wrist. Everything was ready and all planes were fueled and loaded.

"All wings, prepare for take-off. You'll rendezvous with your leaders at designated coordinates," the ATC stated.

The engines whirred to life. I glanced back and sighed. I wasn't in an F/A-18 but rather an F-35A. They trained me to switch over after the Battle of Sydney.

"Alpha-Alpha-Foxtrot one-four-one-nine-zero-two, clear for taxi to Runway 9 left," the ATC stated.

"Copy," I said while doing final checks.

I increased the throttle level far enough so I could taxi. Using the rudder pedals, my plane taxied along the yellow line and into a consortium of F/A-18s, F-35As, Typhoons, and F-15s, all from different countries.

"Once you're on the runway, we'll clear you for take off," the ATC informed.

I looked at the touch screens showing the status of the aircraft. Everything I needed to know right there on one screen. Much more convenient for a pilot than reading dials and numbers.

"AAF 141902, taxi onto the runway," the ATC informed.

"Copy, moving to Runway Nine Left," I complied.

Pushing on the throttle, I taxied slowly to the end of the runway just as the Typhoon fighter took off. I waited for a minute before hearing:

"Runway 9L, this is tower, you're cleared for take off."

I pushed the throttle forward as far as it could. The jet rumbled violently as the engines kicked into full power. The aircraft lurched forward until it started to gain speed. When the speed on my HMD read 600, I pulled back on the control stick. The aircraft rose from the matted runway. The landing gear retracted into the belly of the beast.

"Rendezvous is at point 13597," I thought.

I banked the jet to the right so I could reach the area.

(Arnold | America Staging Position #6)

"Jeez, how much longer until the signal?" one of the Brazilian military members complained.

His buddy stated, "Patience, we must wait until we see it."

I watched the sight of the walls. An SAS and SEAL team was sent in earlier. Looking at the designated signaling point, I saw something crawl up onto the tower. A brown figure pulled out something reflective. The light wiggles into my binoculars.

"We're up," I whispered while crawling away.

I pulled out the flare gun and aimed it into the sky.

World War G: The Special Region Vs The World (Part 1)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang