The beginning of the end

Start from the beginning

Maybe I should have been flattered he was trying to protect me. But all I could feel was frustration and anger. I decided it was about time I spoke to him in person.

" Mr.Victor is in a meeting right now . You will have to wait I am afraid." I was standing in Aiden's office . Apparently he was in a meeting and Louisa his assistant won't let me see him.

I was about to walk away but enough was enough . I was sick of him trying to avoid me . God knows if he was really in a meeting or this was another excuse.It wasn't like me to be cantankerous but I didn't feel I had a choice.

I burst inside Aiden's room despite Louisa's protests. To my utter embarrassment Aiden really was in a meeting. Aiden and two other people who were sitting opposite him on the desk stared wide eyed at me.

" I tried to stop her first but she just won't listen." Louisa mumbled.

" Could you give me five minutes please". Aiden excused himself from the two men.

" Call those bodyguards off". I spoke before Aiden could say anything .

" Sarah I hired them because I was afraid Gina might try to hurt you . The Crawfords are an extremely vengeful family. "

" What do you care Aiden ? You have been pretending like I don't exist since the last couple of weeks!"

" I do care Sarah-"

" I am sorry I hid the truth from you but I was trying to protect you. I wanted the entire world to know what your mother did but I didn't because I loved you . And most of all I always forgave you for what you did. For accusing my family for Arianna's death, for everything that you put me through including that night you made me spend in prison. Why can't you do the same for me?"

" I am not angry at you Sarah ." Aiden rubbed his temples . He looked very tired all of a sudden.

" Then why won't you speak to me? If you don't have any feelings for me then please just leave me be. I don't need any of your favors!" I took out the keys to the car he had given me and placed them on his desk .

Aiden just stared at the desk not saying anything. I started to walk away. Then he suddenly spoke.

" How will you get home?"

After everything I had said that was all he was going to say . I wanted to roll my eyes.

" I will just take a cab home."

Too bad I couldn't find a cab until I had already walked half the way home. Too top it off it started to rain and I was soakedrw through. I wonder if I was being punished for what I said to Aiden.

In the evening I sat flipping through channels aimlessly until one caught my eye.
It was a talkshow and they were discussing the Victor family.

" The stock price of Victor Enterprises has taken a huge hit. Do you think the current C.E.O Aiden Victor has what it takes to keep the company afloat amidst all this crises?"
The talkshow hosts asked one of the guests a haughty looking woman in a grey tweed jacket.

" I doubt it. This family has to many scandals associated with it. I think the company's best bet is to distance itself from the Victor family. I am already hearing that many of the stakeholders have decided to replace Aiden Victor as C.E.O in the next share holders meeting.".

" But Ms. Portman a couple of months back it was you who said that Aiden was quite a capable CEO and especially popular among the employees." The host said .

" I am not saying he isn't capable. But as far as his popularity is concerned he's lost it after the details revealed about his mother. Many people find it hard to believe that he was completely unaware of his mother's actions. And honestly the right course of action was for him to do a press conference denouncing the vile crimes his parents had committed but so far he's nowhere to be seen."

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