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Most of the ride to Vitanis house was silent,none of them knew what to say,in a way they were all just a tad bit upset but at the same time happy.

None of the boys wanted Joel to leave;it just wouldn't be the same without him. Two of them which I won't say who felt a bit of resentment towards Vitani because they felt as if she was taking Joel away from them.

"Guys I'm...sad" Joel blurted out causing Richard to turn around in his car seat

"Why dawg you're leaving with your girl"

"I'm gunna miss you guys a lot" Joel admitted while getting tears in his eyes

"But you're coming back one day right?" Erick asked Joel nodded his head "then don't be sad bro"

"Cuando regresen estaremos aqui" Zabdiel added,looking at his friend through the little mirror.

The rest of the ride the guys pretty much talked about everything and nothing. Recalling memories from when they were in school up to the point where they decided to drop out.

"Finally we're here" Erick said stretching dramatically

Richard laughed at Ericks comment but when he saw a very familiar car with someone in it he stopped laughing.

"Aye Joel is that..." Richard looked over to Joel who was already looking at the car

"Juan Pablo" Joel said.

"What do we do now?" Erick asked

"He's here for me. He made it clear that I wasn't leaving with Vitani tonight."

"Does that mean..." Chris looked over at Joel with a sad look in his eyes

"No papi you don't have to" Zabdiel knew what this meant

"It won't happen. Erick,Chris get Vitani in the car and don't let her get out for anything ok?"

"But Joel-" Joel didn't let Erick finish his sentence

"Get her in the car" and with that Joel got off the car

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