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One week approximately. Joel hasn't dropped by to say hello to Vitani and that made her sad. She waited outside on her balcony every night for one hour hoping that Joel would come but he didn't. This night was no different there she was waiting for him to come see her,she looked at the moon hoping that he was looking at it too.

"Vitani" she turned around into her room to see her mother standing there with a concerned look

"Hello mommy"

"What are you doing? You've been standing on the balcony for hours every night this week!" Stated Vitanis mom

"I just like looking at the stars"

"You're waiting for Joel aren't you" Her mother scowled

"I uhh no"

"Vitani he is no good for you he has nothing to offer! Now Juan Pablo is a real man with money and power."

"But he doesn't make my heart skip a beat mommy,he doesn't make me feel good inside. I don't love him" said Vitani

"Do you really think Joel loves you Vitani? Don't be ridiculous he's only trying to get into your pants"

"Th-that's not true" Vitani said crying

"He hasn't even come to see you! He doesn't care for you and I refuse to let you love him! And what about those scumbags he hangs around with? I bet when he's done with you he'll pass you around to all of them!!"

"Mommy get out please just get out!"

"Fine but we're talking about this in the morning" and with that she left the room leaving Vitani behind sobbing

She dropped down to the floor and covered her face. She didn't want her mother to speak of Joel that way.

"You really shouldn't listen to her" the voice startled Vitani but she turned around to see Richard one of Joels friends

"Richard!" Vitani yelled out as she embraced the Dominican in a big hug. Richard only chuckled

"Ay mami don't cry"

"Why hasn't he come Yashel? I've been waiting but...he hasn't come"

"We've just been very busy recently Annie" said Richard scratching the back of his neck.

Richard knew the real reason that Joel hadn't come by. They went to a club one night and Joel had one to many drinks,he slipped up with a girl. Joel just didn't want to see Vitani after what he did,he couldn't and he wouldn't.

"Oh ok" Vitani said sadly

"Yea but nena i gotta go i just wanted to come check up on you" he said hugging her once more

"Wait Richard c-can you stay until I fall asleep please" Vitani asked

"Sure mami"

The two snuggled into bed and Richard kept his promise he stayed until the girl fell asleep

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