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Joel was really starting to get on Zabdis' nerves,why? He'd pacing back and forth for hours waiting for Richard and he wasn't being silent about it either

"Aye papi tranqui " said the Puerto Rican

"I can't he's been gone for 3 hours what if he got caught" said Joel frantically

"I didn't" Joels head snapped to the door as soon as he saw Richard he pinned him up against the wall

"How is she"

"Ok first of all" Richard pushed Joel away from him "she's good bro but she really misses you dawg,she wants you but you ain't there" he stated.

Hearing that broke Joels heart he wanted to see her more than anything but he just couldn't look her in the eyes after what he did,he knew what those beautiful eyes did to him they made him tell the truth and nothing but the truth.

"Damn it" said Joel as he punched the wall leaving a hole in it

"Cabron!" Cursed Zabdiel

It didn't take long for Erick and Christopher to come out of their shared room to see what was going on.

"Loco que fue?" Asked Erick

"Oh shit look at that" pointed Christopher

"Aye Joel what the hell" Richard asked still in shock

"Hijos de puta,nunca podemos estar calmados en este apartamento!" Zabdiel said getting up from the couch and stomping away angrily.

"What's his problem" Questioned Erick

"He probably just had a rough day" Christopher shrugged

"Sorry guys I just- I just want to see her." Joel sighed taking a seat on the old couch that they had all had sex on at least once him and Vitani included

"Papi pero no te pongas asi she wouldn't want to see you like this" Erick struggled to say,his English was still not very good

"Should I go see her"

"Shit if it's gunna stop you from tearing this place up then I say go for it" Richard laughed,the rest of the boys agreed.

"Alright who's tryna take me imma need to leave fast if her parents see me it'll take to long for me to start the car"

The boys looked around at each other none of them wanted to take him but one of them had to.

"I guess I'll do it" sighed Chris

"Yay let's go Lele might be there too." Joel said with a smirk and with that Christopher's mood suddenly changed

Hope you like this chapter!

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