Chapter 8

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We pulled up as we neared the shelter, a couple streets away. I reversed into the car park, checking over my shoulder to ensure I didn't hit anything. I parked the car, unclipping my seat belt as we both got out the car. I tried not to look in Raine's direction, knowing that it could possibly start an unwanted conversation. I kept walking towards the building, chuckling every so often when Raine couldn't keep up with my fast pace. After not long, we arrived at the front doors again. I pushed them open by the handles and we entered.

"You go sit, down and I'll get you the forms.." Raine said quietly as she made her way to the front desk. I nodded, moving over, and sitting on the corner couch. Damn these are comfy.. I looked around, taking notice of a stand with pamphlets stand up on it. I reached over and grabbed a couple. The first two were about general health, identifying if your bitty is sick and what not. The other was about general care and the do's and don'ts. Nothing I didn't already know. The last was about bitty heats... Now this was something I already knew and was not specifically looking forward to this. From the articles I've read online, I know how to take care of heats, but I feel like I'd be uncomfortable doing so.. Maybe I should look around for heat suppressants later..

"Okay, I'm back, and I've brought someone to help us." Raine announced, standing in front of me with a nice-looking guy next to her. He had a lightly tanned complexion, blue eyes, and black hair. Light curls springing down in front of his face. He gave a welcoming smile, which made me notice his light stubble.

"Didn't you already do all this when you were adopting your bitty??" I asked, genuinely confused. The guy next to her answered.

"Um, actually, I was the one who helped Raine adopt." He said, his French accent surprising me. If I'm being honest here, I would be lying if I were to say I wasn't the slightest bit attracted to him right now. Raine didn't notice my reaction.

"Oh, well that makes sense.."

"I'm Y/N, by the way." I introduced, reaching out my hand to shake which he happily took.

"Hamish." He responded.

"Now, let's get along with these papers, huh?" I exclaimed, pulling my hand back as I signalled for the two to come sit. They sat on either side of me.

Hamish placed a large black folder in my hands, flipping the cover over. Straight away, it showed the first bitty, Ink.

"This is the folder of all the Bittys we have and their information. You can take your time to read through them." Hamish explained, standing up.

"I'm going to go get the adoption papers from the staff room."

Hamish left the room, leaving Raine and I to look over the bitty options. Throughout all of them, they explained the details of what each bitty is like. Personality, temper, maintenance level, and various others.

"I think something like a classic bitty would be good for you, Y/N." Raine suggested.

"Yeah, I am kind of intrigued by the Outer bitty." I replied.

"OOOooh yeah!! That bitty would be perfect for you!!" She finished, I decided to read through his description one more time.

Once Hamish came back, he handed me the paperwork on a clear plastic clipboard. A pen attached to the clip by a piece of string. I blanked out starring at the paper, am I really doing this? Well I mean, this bitty would be easy to take care of even if I am keeping him a secret. Everything'll be fine.. I began to tick off the boxes, and before I knew it, I had reached the end. All I needed to do was sign the papers and it was done.

I went back into my own thoughts again. I knew that with this bitty it would be fine; he'd understand that I can't let my parents know about him and we could hang out together. But even so, my paranoid thoughts were coming back to me again, giving me those "what if?" thoughts. Those thoughts have stopped me from doing so much in the past, but not this time.

I signed the papers.

Once everything was done, I handed the papers back to Hamish, he thanked me and took them to the front desk. We followed. Hamish handed them to Miss Jessica, who was busy typing. Once she noticed us standing here, she gave a smile. They spoke to each other for a while, organising the papers.

"Oh, uhhhh.. I see you've chosen number 246... interesting..." She said, typing more things onto her old windows desktop. I looked over to Raine with a worried look. Why did she say it like that?? No no, calm down Y/N... You're just being paranoid, it'll be fine.

"Well, I-I'll go get him for you.." She said, hesitantly leaving the room.

After a few minutes she came back, holding a cage. Although this kind of make me pissed, I understood that its so you can safely transport them home. I know that this is what people do with their pets when taking them to the vet and such.

"Okay, now that'll be $4,000." Miss Jessica said. Honestly, I'm not surprised, I knew this would cost a lot... I scanned my card.

"You're all set! We also have put bitty store in case you need anything. Good luck!" She ending, waving us as we left. Good luck...

Raine and I walked back to the car, holding the cage by its handle. I would get him out now but I was kind of nervous. I'll wait till I get home first.

"Your parents don't know about this, do they..?" Raine asked, hugging my arm as we walked.

"Not at all... Don't you dare think of telling them either.." I responded, giving her a harsh glare.

"Don't worry! I won't!!" She gave a smile.

We reached the car, stepping inside as Raine held the cage as I drove. The plan was to go back to Raine's house so we could get acquainted and explain the house rules before we went back.

Raine looked into the cage from the air holes on the side. Her eyes widened in shock.

"Y/N..? I think we have a problem.."

Uh oh..

Published 30th July 2020 1:56 pm

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