Chapter 22

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Time passed so fast with Jason. We had finished our dinner a while ago and we were still chatting like we hadn't seen each other in months! Jason had been talking about the things he did with his roommate over the past few years.

"God I love your apartment...!! I've always wanted a place like this..." I sighed

"Yeah, it's pretty nice, damn expensive though."

"It is? I thought you had a roommate earlier?"

"Nah, he had to move out a few weeks ago for work. Nobody's called me up about the offer since." I let out a hum. Those words stuck with me for a while.

Nobody's called him up on the offer? I thought, staring into the empty space of his living room. What If I were to apply? Would that be too weird to ask? No Y/N, don't ask now, do it another time.

Wait- time..


"OH MY GOD, I LOST TRACK OF THE TIME! I HAVE TO GO!!" I yelled, launching myself up from my seat. Scurrying my way through his apartment, I grabbed Nightmare and ran towards the front door.

"W-WAIT-" Jason called, grabbing me by my arm before I had the chance to run "C-Calm down! I can drive you home!"

I caught my breath and thought over his offer, "O-Okay.. okay.. Can we go now please??" I hastily asked.

Jason nodded and we left the apartment. Once we left the complex, the sky was pitch black and every star had been out. That panic rose within me again.

"Parking lot's this way." Jason directed, turning around the building's corner. I followed swiftly behind him. We both got into his car.

Plugging in my seatbelt, I placed Nightmares carrier on my lap as Jason started the ignition. My nails were anxiously tapping in a rhythmic pattern.

I could see Jason flick his head over a few times to check up on me.

"Hey, don't worry about it. If your parents say anything, I'll explain to them what happened." Jason reassured before reversing his car and driving away.

Knowing that my parents would not react well if Jason were to do that just set me off more. It didn't matter my age, they were as strict as can be. If I were to come home late with a guy? Oh, they'd have a lot of questions. They know I have friends other than Raine, but I don't think they've actually met before.

The taps of my nails grew faster until-.

"WOULD YOU KEEP IT DOWN?!" Nightmare yelled from his cage, bashing against the roof of the carrier. Jason and I exchanged a glance.

"S..Sorry.." I muttered, removing my hands from the carrier.

A few minutes of anxious fidgeting later, we arrived back at my house. I let out a sigh of relief. Picking up Nightmare's carrier almost immediately after we parked I rushed out the car, Jason not far behind.

"Oh my god, Jason thank you so much!! You have no idea how thankful I am." I thanked, giving him a right one-armed hug.

Before I had a chance to break the hug, the door behind me flung open. The bright lights from inside shone on the both of us, I pushed myself away from Jason. When I turned around I had seen not only my mother who was home from work, but my father too, who had probably stayed up waiting for me. Although I wasn't gone for long, I probably worried them sick.

"Y/N where on earth were you?!" My Mother spoke worriedly

"Y/N.." My Father muttered, "Who is this man with you?" His glare sharpened on Jason, who had also been frozen.

I stumbled over my words, trying to put my emotions into words.

"Th...This is Jason, he's a friend from work..!" I blurted out, "I lost track of time and he offered me a ride home."

Father seemed unconvinced, however, decided to listen and backed down from the "overprotective dad stare". Jason let out a thankful sigh.

"I see..." He hummed, "Oh well, give him his carrier back and go in and talk about this some more" He added before turning back inside along with my mother.

Oh god no I don't want to have THAT talk-


Jason and I shared a confused but overall panicked stare, how one god's green earth was I gonna get Nightmare back inside NOW?!

"U-Uhhhh... UHHH, YEAH! OK, I'll- be right in..." I called out to my parents before stepping aside with Jason out of the light of the doorway.

"What?! Y/N you can't seriously be doing this to me right now..!!" Jason whisper-yelled, his grip tightening on the carrier I had just passed him.

"Calm down!" I whisper-yelled back

"I don't want to be stuck with this tiny demon!!" He added, fully aware Nightmare could hear him. I swore I heard a chuckle come from him.

"JASON!!" I yelled a little louder this time, gaining his attention.

"Look, here's what I want you to do. Drive your car down the street a bit and wait outside my bedside window." I whispered, pointing to the side my bedroom window was on.

"I might take a while, but I'll meet you there once I'm done with my parents... okay?"

Jason seemed unsure of this plan, grumbling in thought under his breath. I softly reached out and placed my hand on his shoulder.

Jason's eyes were brought up to meet my eyes,

"Please Jason..? You're going to have to take him back with you otherwise.." I reminded with a smile, to which Jason let out a huff.

Jason felt obligated to help in this situation because he sure as hell DID NOT want to take Nightmare back with him for the night.

"Fine". He begrudgingly sighed, "But you owe me big time."

Jason began walking back to his car, Nightmare's carrier in hand.

"I know," I answered.

"Thank you so much, Jason..."

Jason chuckled, hopping into the driver's seat. He had his arm extended ready to close the door.

"Yeah, yeah. You're lucky we're friends." He replied, shutting the car door as we shared a laugh.

I watched as Jason drove off, letting out a stiff sigh. Then turned back to the house,

Now, how the hell am I gonna bullshit my way out of this one...


H-Hey guys...

I'm back?

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