Chapter 17

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I paced around my room; my mind filled with panic. What was I going to do on this date? What was I going to go with Nightmare? Did I even really want to go..?

I felt like I had to, I didn't want to hurt him by not going.. Getting stood up doesn't sound fun at all, plus he seemed like a nice guy.

I was beginning to weigh my options. Do I cancel on him? Or go with Nightmare where he would just cause chaos..

I looked over to him in slight guidance. He lazily flung himself over the armrest of my swivel chair, placed at my desk.

He blankly returned my gaze, before furrowing his eyebrows at me.

"What are you looking at?" He asked, his eyes demanding an answer. I stopped myself before responding, taking a moment to think. Why did I expect him to be helpful? What was I going to say?

Eventually, I decided to start a regular chat.

"S..So, how was it a Raine's??" I asked nervously. It had been a little bit of time since he had spoken, Nightmare seemed mildly shocked by my question.

He let out a light chuckle. "Heh, you're her friend, what do you think?"

"I am not her friend," I stated, he raised an eyebrow.

"Oh? I thought you two were best friends? Do you not like her..?" He said sounding suspicious, like he was up to something.

"What are you planning?" I asked, avoiding his question. He let out a hum of response.

"What makes you think I'm planning something, hm?"

We left it on that as I decided to back out of the conversation.

Damn it, that went nothing like I had planned! Now he knows that I hate Raine.. He's planning something, I know it. I can practically see the ideas forming in his mind. I just have no idea what they are..


Daniel and I had already made our plans. After chatting for a while, I mentioned that café I saw near Nightmares Bitty Shelter. We agreed to meet there Saturday at 10 am for brunch and then do some other things afterwards. I figured going to dinner seemed a little rushed, keep in mind this is my first date..

The only problem was that I had been so busy stressing about what to do with Nightmare, that I am now on my final day before the date.

I needed him to not be with me, there was no way I could take him. But I didn't want to cancel on Daniel either..

I was running out of working ideas. That was until my phone buzzed from a message. A message from Raine..

Although Nightmare had been previously suspicious when I mentioned that I hated Raine, I didn't have much other choice.

I read her message


Well, that reaction was expected...

Honestly, I wasn't sure if I even wanted to ask her for help. Or even respond for that matter!

Yes, I have a date. I'm going with a nice guy I met while I was working. I've been very busy over the past couple days.

Is there anything I can help with?? Do you need money?? Fashion advice?? Anything??

Thanks, but no, I think I'll be fine.

Are you sure?

I wasn't sure.. I needed the help, yes. But my paranoia was worried something else would happen... But now that wasn't important, I had bigger things to worry about. I needed her to take him.

Actually yes..

Do you think you could take care of Nightmare for me again? Please?

Sure! When do you want me to pick him up?

Tomorrow if possible, thanks.

No problem! Ill be around first thing in the morning!

And that was that. She was coming around tomorrow and there was nothing I could do anymore.

Everything will be fine

Or at least that's what I continued to tell myself. I kept checking up on Nightmare progressively more throughout the night. I couldn't trust him, but I needed to prove my dominance. Oh, if only it were as easy as I made it out to be..

I rested my head on my pillow, but I didn't not sleep. I couldn't with all this stress and panic, about both Daniel and Nightmare. I kept all eyes on him.

I glanced over to the clock after a while, 2:46am. Nightmare noticed.

"You like night-time huh?"

I didn't respond. I never thought of myself as a night owl, but somehow found myself up late by simply forgetting the time.

Isn't that just what a night owl is?

I was too tired to tell.

"Or are you awake for another reason?"

Once again no response.

He caught on quick, he was no idiot. Not that I expected him to be.

He knew exactly why I was awake. I was watching him. I needed to make sure that he didn't try anything while I was asleep.


I didn't sleep that night.

I had no sleep, and I had a date tonight.

Nightmare hadn't done anything while I was awake and watching him thankfully. But I also didn't have any time to take a nap today. I had so many plans..

All I could do was wait for Raine to arrive.

Thank god that when my dad came in to say hello this morning, Nightmare had fallen asleep in a place where my dad couldn't see, otherwise I would've been in huge trouble.

But now my mum had been asleep, she hadn't woken up yet for work. I had time to get ready while Nightmare was also asleep.

I used this time to my advantage, although I was still very tired.

I could barely keep myself awake but needed to for the sake of my date. Good thing I have access to makeup so I can cover these bags under my eyes..

I had planned to leave early once Raine picked up Nightmare, so I could go look at some things for him back at the bitty shelter.

I spent the whole morning getting myself ready.

And then I heard a knock at my door.

Thank god.

Published 15th April 2021 8:15 pm


things have been a liiiiiittle bit busy recently and I haven't had much chance to write..

I've started two new books this year and school work is starting to get serious now. Im already struggling to catch up on my others books so I hope you guys understand!

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