chapter two : the dream

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"Almost half of the pack is dead now due to the poison gas . We don't know what pack attacked us . We have never seen those pack colors before . You have been sleeping for almost two days and the battle just ended . "
said the nurse who's name tag identified here as Karen , even though she didn't seem to be Karen about what just happened . (Sorry for insaulting you if your name is Karen.)
" Is my family OK ? " Lizzy asked .
" Your mom is fine but your siblings evacuated when the battle started and we have not found them yet ." Said the unkaren nurse . Liz burst out crying . And suddenly jack entered the room he always made her feel better . "You're coming with me" said jack .
"she can't walk due to her concussion so she will have to be carryed out" .
Jack scooped her up in his arms .
"Thanks ...." was all that she could muster .
"Aww thanks ! You smell like you need a shower" jack teased .
"Ha ha ha very funny jack" she said with tears in her eyes . He set her down in his truck and they got in it and drove home .
"So I heard that the half of the pack is dead now" she said holding back a sob .
"It's ok lizzy " he said .
"No its really not" she said under her breath .
"Sorry I didn't hear you . What where you saying?" Jack asked
"So did you figure out what Sarah was mad about?" lizzy asked .
"Yeah turns out she had a dream where I- uh did some bad things" he said uncomfortably .
"Like what?" She asked .
"Um- I don't want to talk about it liz" .
"Well ok then" she said blankly . the car came to a stop in lizzy's driveway . "See ya later aligator" lizzy said trying to sound cheery but it was hard to because of her emotions . She was still tired and needed rest so she took a nap she had a dream that gave her an idea . "Let's go fight them stupid ! What else are we supposed to do ! " said dream jack .
"We are to young to join be warriors !" Liz said in her dream . "I don't care lets fight them anyway !" Dream jack yelled .
"OK listen jack . as much as I want to kill the dirty bastards who attacked the pack we have no idea who they are and what they are capable of so we just can't . " she said .
"Then let's run away and spy on them !" Jack said sarcastically .
"jack stop . This is no time to be sarcastic ." She said angrily . Then she woke up from her intense dream with a extremely stupid idea but she was willing to try it anyway .

Yay another cliffhanger ! Sorry that the chapters are short . It's because I'm lazy and I don't give it enough effort . *sigh*


the wild inside me Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon