The hope dies last

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(So this chapter is like four days after the Last chapter (How much can I take) and It's Coles POV soo I hope u like it ☆)

///...Cole POV...\\\

It's been 8 days since Kai was taken. Things aren't to good looking. We tryed to look for any clues but we coudn't find anything... For the team... I don't know how they are doing. All I can say is that all of them didn't have a lot of sleep in the last 8 day. Nya is a total mess, she has been looking herself in her room and only Jay was allowed to go in. Zane has been trying to find anything with his Falcon but we didn't find anything exept Kai's neckles and a few footprits on a island nearby. 

Lloyd and Jay have been trying to get the team to not loose hope.. It is working but I am not too sure if that stayes that way.. Lloyd is also trying to talk to Wu but we still coundn't tell him sence he is on a trip and didn't tell us where he was going..

For me.. It's been a hard time... Kai was one of our best friends but ever since the last battle he has been more quiet.. We didn't really think much about it and just gave him some space but now I am not soo sure it was the right thing to do.. I really hope Kai is okay and that it's not to bad were ever he is right now...

...A while later...

I walked out of my room to see Zane sitting at the dinner tabel and looking at some Camera footige. I walked over to him and sat down next to him...

Cole: Morning Zane.

Zane: Good morning.

Cole: Have you found anything yet?

Zane: Sorry but not really, It's hard to find anything sence the place Kai was last seen doesn't have to many people.

Cole: I wonder what would happen if one or two of us should try to fly back to the black-smith shop and try to find something again..

Zane: Youre right Cole, mabe if you try to find another way Kai could have gone.. I think you should take Jay with you and try to not be away for to long okay?

Cole: Sure thing Zane. Thanks brother.

Zane: You are very welcome brother.

I walked away after that. I already knew Jay was in Nya's room so I didn't want to waist any time and walked to her room. I knocked on her door and waited, after about a minute Jay walke out and looked at me cofused.

Jay: Hey Cole what are you doing?

Cole: Hey Jay, I asked Zane if I  could help in  anyway and he told me that I could try to find another way could have gone. He also told me that I shouldn't go alone so... Jay do you wanna join? 

Jay: Sure thing , I really need some fresh air. I'm just gonna go and tell Nya and then we can go.

Jay walked away and went to tell Nya that we're gonna go out for some time. After about 8 Minutes he came out and we went out. We started flying and after about 10 Minutes in silence I decited to break it.

Cole: Sooo how has Nya been? We haven't really heard anything from her.

Jay: She's doing okay.. The whole thing is really getting to her, I mean her only brother is missing and it doesn't help that Kai was the only one who took care of her..

Cole: I would have guessed... Kai and Nya were always there for eachother and always tryed to be as close as possible..

Jay: Hey Cole, I wanted to ask you, how are you taking the whole Kai is missing thing??

Cole: ....Well it's hard without Kai here. He was always there for us and now we can't help him he is somewhere out there and we can't even tell him that things are gonna be okay or something...

Jay: .... Youre right, he was always there for us, when we were on our worst he told us that It's gonna be okay but who is gonna tell him that it is gonna be okay now..  We have to find him.. I'm not just saying it because of Nya... we already lost Zane one time we can't loose out other friend now... 

I looked down he's has a point Kai is out there I know it, but where is he and is he okay.. He's importante for the team, without him here it's just not the same. We need our Flame..

I noticed that Jay was also looking down.. I think it is also getting to him.. Kai was like a brother to him but not like a team brother more like a actal brother like Kai and Nya. For Lloyd Kai was a older brother when Kai found out Lloyd was the Green Ninja and he had to fight his brother.

Zane was the only person who could calm Kai down when Kai way WAYYY to pissed. Zane and Kai's personaletys are sooo different but togheter no one could beat them.. Kai and Zane are just the best when someone needs help. 

And there's me. I always tryed to prove that I'm not afraid of anything. From the first day on when the team met I wanted to show of.. I remember that he was the one who told us how to work with the dragons. I was super scared but I learnd how to deal with it and Rocky and I became super close. Without Kai here I would propebly still be scared of dragons... He showed us soo much and was always there for us even when he is a hothead he still cares for us... 

Who is gonna be there for him now?

I swear I'm not gonna let Kai down, I won't give up till I find him. Then it's our turn to tell him that things are gonna be okay. Because out hope dies last. 

Jay and me looked at eachother as we  where almost at his Kai and Nya's home.. 

...We're gonna get you back Kai and if it's the last thing we do...

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