Making Up

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It had been a week since I last saw Sodapop. I had been hanging out with Ponyboy, Johnny, and Dally a lot more. Dally's pretty decent once you get to know him, and me, Ella, and Lily even got to meet his girlfriend named Olivia. She's really nice but she's also the complete opposite of him. She's pretty shy and quiet, like Johnny but she also really likes to read like Ponyboy. "Y/N, can I ask you something?" Ponyboy said as we walked by the DX. "Sure thing. What's up?"

"Are you and Sodapop ever going to get back together? He hasn't been the same since the incident." Ponyboy stared down at his feet sadly. "How so?" I asked.

"He rarely smiles and he's always in his room when he's not at work.  He even started drinking and he never drinks! He misses you Y/N, and I think he knows that he made a mistake. He even told Sandy to leave Tulsa unless she wants to get beaten up." My eyes widened. Sodapop never threatens anyone, especially girls. 

"Oh." Was all that I could manage to say. I had so many emotions coursing through my veins all at once. Hatred for Sandy, anger about the whole situation, guilt for yelling and leaving, and sadness for Ponyboy being caught in the middle. "Oh? Is that all you have to say? I know he screwed up but you've got to give him a chance! Please! Soda's a good guy Y/N, he's not a cheater. He's just an overly nice doofus who can't say 'no'. Please Y/N! At least talk to him!" I was startled. Ponyboy was really worked up about the whole situation, and it was at that moment that I knew I had to do something. "I'll talk to him Ponyboy. Let's go to your house." 

"Right now?" He asked with hopeful eyes. "Yep." I replied as we walked to his house. When we arrived I sighed. "I sure hope this goes well." Ponyboy patted me on the shoulder. "You'll be fine Y/N. Don't worry about it. He misses you so go see him. I'll be waiting here incase either of you need emotional support." He grinned a goofy looking grin and I giggled. We went inside and I headed to Sodapop and Ponyboy's room and knocked on the door. "Who is it?" A monotone voice replied. I had never heard his voice be filled with such sadness before and I felt awful.

"Soda? It's me...Y/N." Then I heard the sound of a bed creaking and he opened the door. His hair was a mess, he had bags under his eyes and he had a tear stained face. "Why are you here?" He asked, looking as if he was about to start sobbing. "I'm here to make things right Soda. Can we please talk?" He nodded and we sat down on the bed that me and Ponyboy shared. "I know I fucked up Soda. I just got jealous, that's all. I thought that you would leave me for Sandy." Tears filled my eyes and before I knew it, I was crying. Then I was wrapped in a warm embrace. "Don't cry." He gently took my hands away from my face and he used his thumbs to wipe my tears away.

"I'm s-so sorry." I spoke in between sobs. "You look s-so sad a-and it's all m-my fault." I kept crying and crying like a big baby. "I'm the one that should apologize. I screwed up too. I should've stayed away from that no-good, cheating, two-faced, broad." Soda said. "But if we want this relationship to work then we have to trust each other. Okay?" He placed his hands on my shoulders and stared into my eyes. "Of course. I've missed you so much Soda." I hugged him. "I've missed you too baby. Let's start things over and be happy again alright?" I nodded. "Wanna go walk around the town now? Like we used to?" Soda asked. "Yes!" I exclaimed. We both got up holding hands and walked out of his room. He opened the door, "OW!". It had whacked Two Bit's face and the rest of the gang was facing us. "What the hell are y-" but before Sodapop could finish his sentence Two Bit got up and shouted, "THEY MADE UP!" 

 "WOOHOOO!" Steve cheered as he jumped up and down with chocolate cake in his hands. Lily, Ella, and Olivia were celebrating with him, Johnny was smiling, Dally was smirking, and Ponyboy was also cheering and jumping. Darry came over and patted us both on the back. "I'm glad that you won't be moping around anymore little brother. Congratulations you two." We smiled like idiots and mockingly bowed. "Thank you, thank you." We said in a mock posh voice together. Steve ran over and smashed cake into Sodapop's face. "THIS IS TO CELEBRATE!" He smiled. "Now we can have the old Sodapop back!" The excitement lasted until thunder boomed outside and we all screamed. 

"SHIT!" Two Bit tripped over the couch in shock and fell on his face. We were all laughing our asses off but laughed even harder when Steve slipped over Two Bit and smashed his face into the chocolate cake. "GOD DAMN IT TWO BIT!" 

"HEY IT AIN'T MY FAULT!" Then they both started wrestling while we were all dying of laughter. 

Today wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. In fact, it was amazing and hilarious! Me and Sodapop will try to trust each other better from now on to make our relationship even stronger. That's it for today!

>>Omfg I am so fucking sorry for the late update. My mental health has been awful, and it's gotten even worse with school starting. Thank you to those of you who have stuck around!<<

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