Beauty and the Bitch

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Me and Ponyboy went to the diner and sat down in a booth. Sodapop and Sandy arrived shortly after and (luckily) sat in the booth in front of us. I growled under my breath and I saw Ponyboy glaring at her through the corner of his glasses. 

"Here goes nothing." I whispered. He nodded in reply and we pulled up our menus and pretended to look at them. We were so focused on Soda and Sandy that we nearly fell out of our seat when the waitress came and asked what we wanted to eat and drink.

"What can I get for ya'll today?" She asked in a sweet and southern accent.

"GAH!" I yelped, and turned red with embarrassment, but then recomposed myself. "*Ahem* I apologize for that. You got me off guard. I would like a Pepsi with a burger and fries." I spoke in a fake deep voice.

"Alright then. And for you?" She pointed at Ponyboy.

"Ah yes. I would like the same thing as him please." Ponyboy said in a fake British accent. It was so bad that I nearly burst out laughing, but I held it in so I wouldn't blow our cover.

"Ok. Your orders will be ready soon." She walked off to place our orders and we continued our spying on MY boyfriend and the bitch. I leaned in closer to hear them, and Ponyboy did the same. Then, we heard laughter. I clenched my teeth with anger and tried to figure out what was so funny.

"Oh Soda, you're so funny!" I heard her gush and I swiftly peaked my head over the booth and I saw her put her dirty, slutty hands on Soda. I was beyond pissed at this point and wanted to punch that stupid smile off of her face, but Pony gave me a look that said "don't do it" so I didn't. "So, Soda, are you still dating that new girl?" 

"Yeah. I still am. She's amazing." Sodapop beamed as he spoke about me, which made me feel a bit better. "You should just leave her already. You have me after all." I nearly tackled her from behind the booth right at that moment. "No Sandy. I told you, I love her. She also didn't cheat on me." Sodapop grimaced when he said that. I could tell from the tone of his voice that he was still hurt about her cheating on him. "Well I won't cheat on you again. And besides, I'm single now too! We could give us another shot." Sandy was really pushing her limits now. "For the last time, no." Sodapop was getting impatient with her pressing on. "And if you don't stop asking me to break up with her, I'll leave right now." That's my Sodapop. I smiled since he was losing patience with her. But then she did something that really pissed me off. She fucking KISSED HIM. She wrapped her arms around his neck and smashed her lips onto his. Sodapop didn't pull away for a few seconds. 

"I really missed kissing you Soda." Sandy smiled seductively. "I-I guess I kinda did too. But you cheated on me, and I don't want to cheat on Y/N." Sodapop rubbed his arm sheepishly. That was the last straw. Ponyboy tried to grab my arm but I shook him off. I ripped off the sunglasses, the hat, and the fake mustache. "SURPRISE FUCKERS! IT'S ME! Y/N! IF YOU MISSED THAT SLUTTY BITCH THAT BADLY THEN GO WITH HER! AND YOU...." I couldn't stop myself. I threw a punch at her, and it hit her eye. She pretended to cry and clung onto Sodapop. "Sodapop help! She hit me! I just wanted to show you how much I cared about you." Sandy fake sobbed as she nuzzled her head in his shoulder.

"Y/N! Why are you here?" Sodapop asked in a somewhat frustrated tone. "BECAUSE YOUR LITTLE BROTHER TOLD ME! I'M GLAD THAT I WAS HERE TOO BECAUSE NOW I KNOW THAT YOU MISSED KISSING THE LITTLE WHORE!" I yelled. I couldn't control my temper anymore. "You've got it all wrong! I love you Y/N!" Sodapop tried to calm me down, but him trying to act like he did nothing wrong pissed me off even more. "SHUT THE HELL UP! WE'LL TALK ABOUT THIS LATER! I'M OUT OF HERE! COME ON PONYBOY!" I grabbed Ponyboy's arm and I stormed out of the diner. I was definitely getting banned from going in there again, but I didn't care. "We're going home." I sniffled as my eyes filled with tears. Then before I could stop them, they came flowing out like a river. I crashed to the ground and let out a choked sob. Ponyboy sat next to me on the grass. 

"I-I thought he loved me!" I cried out. "He does love you Y/N. He just made a stupid mistake." Ponyboy patted my back. "Damn right he made a stupid mistake! He let her kiss him for a few seconds!" Tears were flowing out of my eyes like rain. "I'm here for you Y/N." Ponyboy hugged me as I cried. "At least he didn't agree to completely cheat on you." Ponyboy said. "Yeah but, it still really hurts." I wiped away some more tears. "It'll be ok Y/N. You guys can sort this out tomorrow." Ponyboy comforted. "I guess so. Let's go home Ponyboy." I got up, and then we walked home.

And that's how my day went. It was filled with tears and betrayal. 

((I'm so sorry for the late update!)))

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