School Problems

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I woke up earlier than usual today and went over to Sodapop's house. It was 6:30 in the morning so I knew Ponyboy would be getting ready for school, since it was Monday.

"Hi Pony! What's up?" I greeted as I flopped onto the couch.

"Nothing much. Just making breakfast. Want some?" He replied.

"No thanks. I had toast." I responded.

"Oh ok. Hey, can I ask you something?" He sounded a bit concerned all of a sudden.

"Go ahead." I said.

"Why don't you go to school? Did you drop out like Soda?" He questioned.

"I didn't drop out but I guess I've never really been interested in going." I shrugged.

"Well, wanna try going today? No offense to Soda but we only need two people in this gang working at the DX." He chuckled, it was a sad sounding one though.

"Well, I don't see why not. I don't have any plans for today." I responded while tapping my chin thoughtfully. 

"Cool!" He smiled.

"I'll just bring a pencil because I've never really been bothered to buy my books." I laughed a little.

"That's fine." He reassured.

"Cool! Let's go!" I declared while grabbing his hand and running out the door while he briskly grabbed his toast.

"Ack! Hold on!" Ponyboy replied while trying not to choke on his toast. We ran to school and apparently we were 20 minutes early so we had time to spare.

"Hey Y/N... can I ask you another question." He asked.

"Sure thing Ponyboy." I replied.

"Promise me that you'll never leave Sodapop. I never want anyone to break his heart like Sandy did. He was a complete wreck." Ponyboy stared at his feet.

"I promise Pony." I said softly.

"You really mean that?" He said, his voice sounding a lot more hopeful than before.

"Of course! You guys are my family, and I would never betray my family." I giggled.

"Thanks Y/N." Ponyboy grinned.

"No need to thank me." I smiled, a wide smile. Then the school bell rang and we had to go our separate ways since he was younger than me.

"Catch you later Ponyboy!" I called from halfway to my hall.

"See ya!" He waved. When I walked into the classroom, a group of girls were glaring at me. If looks could kill, they'd be paying for my funeral right now. I just shrugged it off and sat down.

"Um excuse me. That's my seat." A girl spoke in a rude tone.

"Oh, sorry!" I got up.

"Hey aren't you the little whore who's dating Sodapop?" The girl spat. She was defiantly a Soc by the way she dressed.

"Who're you calling whore? And yes, I am in fact dating my boyfriend, Sodapop Curtis." I folded my arms.

"Bitch." She replied and slapped me. The rest of her group came and stood behind her.

"Oh, so it's a fight that you're looking for? Well sorry, but you're going down. Slut." I hissed and punched her in the nose. There was a loud crack and she was on the ground, holding her bloody nose. Then her friends began to come at me.

"Come at me bitch!" I yelled and began to fight them with all I had. I'm not like this most of the time, but when you try to hurt me, the beast comes out. Soon, they were all on the ground crying. I felt kinda bad, but I had to tell myself that they started it. I looked at my knuckles and noticed that they were bloody and bruised. Then the teacher came in. All the kids were silent and staring.

"Hello cl- Oh my god what happened?" The teacher ran to the girls' aid.

"I-I said hello a-and then s-she st-started punching me!" The leader said sobbing.

"You call saying hello calling me a whore and slapping me?" I yelled.

"That's enough! Go to the Principal's office now!" She snapped. I walked out and heard her telling the girls that it would be alright and that she would take them to the nurse. Stupid Socs. I walked into the Principal's office, he was a Soc too. I could tell.

"Fight on your first day of school? Really? Well we do not tolerate any horse play or violent behavior on school grounds so I'm going to have to suspend you for 6 months. Do you have anyone who could come collect you from school today?" He firmly spoke.

"Uh yeah... his name is Sodapop Curtis. My uh... older brother." I stammered. "He works at the DX so you're gonna have to call there if you want to reach him." He flipped through a phone book and found the number.

"Hello? Yes. May I speak to Sodapop Curtis please? Thank you. Hello, this is Mr. Moris the principal of your sister's school. It seems that she has gotten into some trouble at school today. A fight to be exact." He continued. 

'Oh lord please let Soda go along with the story.' I closed my eyes and blocked out the sound of the Principal talking.

"You're brother will be here shortly. I hope you learn a lesson from this experience. You may wait out there in the front office." He directed. I nodded and went out. Soda arrived about five minutes later, he didn't look too happy.

"Come on, SIS." He spoke sarcastically. When we got out I finally spoke.

"Hi babe." I said.

"What the hell happened?" He firmly asked. I had never seen him act like that before.

"Some Soc girl called me a whore and slapped me because she was jealous that I was dating you and then her friends came so I fought them all off. And then I got the blame." I angrily replied. I wasn't mad at him, I was mad at the school.

"Oh." His expression and tone softened after I explained. "Sorry. I should've know that you wouldn't fight no one without a reason." He apologized.

"Nah, you're fine." I brushed it off.

"Say, wanna hang out at the DX for the rest of the day. I only have an hour left on my shift and then we could go to Dairy Queen." He replied.

"Aww thanks baby." I hugged him and kissed his cheek. "Love you!"

"Love you too babe." He dipped me and kissed me right in front of the DX. 

"Really guys?" Steve came out. "You're gonna scare away the customers." We both laughed and said sorry. I sat down and drank a pepsi while reading a magazine about cars. Boy, mustangs sure are tuff. Maybe I'll have enough money to buy one of those one day. Oh well.

>> Stay tuned for the next chapter! That one will be when they go to Dairy Queen :)  <<

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