Chapter 1: Moving In

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Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters in the story, or the setting. All of them were created by S.E. Hinton.


"Y/N! Hurry up with those boxes!" I heard my mom yell.

"Coming Mom!" We had finally finished moving all the boxes from the truck into our house. It's always just been me and my mom. My parents are divorced and my dad left when I was a baby. I've never met him, nor do I ever want to.

"Few." My mom said as she wipes the sweat off her forehead. "It's about 55 degrees out here and I'm still sweating." If it was summer we would've died by now, but luckily it was late November.

"Why don't you go exploring a bit and meet the neighbors?"

"Sure thing Mom."

"Be careful out there. It's dangerous for a 15 year old out there."

"Mom! I'm about to turn 16!"

"I know. I'm just teasing you." She said as she ruffled my hair. "Now run along."

"Ok! See ya!" I ran outside and decided to take a walk around the neighborhood. The wind blew slightly, but luckily I had my leather jacket on that kept me warm. I stopped walking for a minute to pick a flower, when I saw a Blue Mustang pull up beside me. Some boys started getting out.

"What's a pretty broad like you doing out all alone?" One of them said. Shoot. There had to be about six of them. I couldn't take them all on, and I left my switch blade at home.

"Hey, Uh can you please leave me alone?"

"Why would we do that? Come on don't be shy." One grabbed me and covered my mouth so I couldn't scream. Then I heard yelling and foot steps from people.

"Oh no. Not more of them." I thought. But then I looked up and saw that the guy who had grabbed me was ok the ground holding his nose and the rest of his gang were running away.

"Hey are you ok?" I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up. "My name's Sodapop, Sodapop Curtis and my buddy over there that chased those Socs off is Steve. We work at the DX over there. We were walking back home when we saw them grab you." Shoot. He's one of the most beautiful boys I've ever seen.

"Thank you Sodapop. You saved me. My name's F/N L/N and I just moved here. What are Socs?"

"That's a pretty name for a pretty girl. Basically Socs are the rich people who live on the West side of town, and us greasers live on the East."

"Oh ok." I said. He stuck his hand out to help me up, and I grabbed it and got up. Then someone came running back.

"Shoot man. They sped off before I could knock one out. They need to learn to stay on their side of town." Then he looked at me and said,
"Wow. You're a pretty broad if I've ever seen one."

I laughed and said, "Thanks I guess. I'm F/N L/N."

"My name's Steve Randle, but you can call me baby."

"Oh cut it out Steve." Sodapop said. "Where'd you move from? If you don't mind, I'm gonna walk you home so you won't get jumped again."

"Thanks Sodapop. I moved from Kansas."

"That's cool."

Before I knew it, we were at my house. "Well this is where I live."

"No way! I live right across from you. If you want I can introduce you to my friends tomorrow. How old are you if you don't mind me asking."

"Sure! Thanks Sodapop. I'm 15 going on 16 next week."

"Hey! You're right around my age. Well, I'll see you later Y/N." He winked at me and walked off.

"Oooooo! Who was that boy Y/N?" My mom said.

"It was no one Mom." I said and turned my face so she couldn't see that I was blushing from her mentioning him.

"Awww my little girl is growing up so fast! She already has a boyfriend."

"MOM!" I yelped.

"Just messing with you. Now go wash up for dinner."

~Time skip~
After dinner I went and lied in my bed. I stared at the ceiling. Why can't I just get this boy out of my head? I put my hand over my heart as sleep took over me. I think maybe I do like him.

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