We've been to the doctors so many times about Becky's seizures each time they tell us the same thing, they're normally triggered when Becky's really upset or angry.

"I'll stay with the kids you go."

I rushed out and started the short drive to the airport, I got out and ran to security. I spoke to a guard and they showed me to the medical room, Becky looked all sad and sweaty. I walked in and she closed her eyes.

"I'm sorry..."

"Hey it's okay, I'm here now."

"Just what she said has stuck in my head, it makes me so angry."

"Well if you want to fly today you better calm down."

"Who's with the kids?"

"Ash, Becks you need to take a deep breath."

She did as I asked but looked up at me sadly.

"Colby what if I can't do this."

"You're going to smash it, the crowd will be glad your back Becks."

"You really think so."

"I know so, now compose yourself and get on that flight."

She jumped up and planted a kiss on my lips before running out of the room and towards the boarding gate. She mouthed 'I love you' just before she went through the tunnel to her flight, I am going to miss her but it'll only be two weeks. I do hope to god that it isn't made a wrestlemania match, they will rip each other to shreds. I grabbed a bag of crisps from the airport then made my way back home.

*4 hours later*

I've just arrived at the Barclays centre, every part of me is filled with adrenaline. I march inside and see Vince.

"Becky! Welcome back, your locker room and ring gear is down the hall."

I smiled a little before a ran down to the locker room, I quickly got dressed and walked up to gorilla. Shayna was cutting a promo and my blood is starting to boil.

"So now Becky Lynch...I saw her on Twitter last night complaining about what I said about her little rat children. I don't regret anything I said, I meant every word...so now that's out of the way."

My music hit and the crowd went wild, normally I would take in the crowd but all I want to do is hurt her. I rolled inside the ring and went at her, throwing wild punches left and right. I could hear the crowd chanting but I blocked it out, just focusing on the bitch at my feet. I grabbed the mic out of her hand.

"See Shayna there's one person who doesn't take lightly to what you said and thats me. So mention my kids or my husband one. more. time."

"And what?"

"I'll slap your head off just like I did, Ronda, Charlotte, Carmella, Bayley, Banks, Dana, Bliss the list goes on."

The crowd were cheering. Shayna got back to her feet and grabbed a mic.

"You can't touch me, while you've been birthing vermin I've been training. Dominating. I wouldn't be the Raw women's champion if I didn't, aw look at you no title."

"Nah, I'm the man of this division and not a woman in that locker room can tell me any different."

"You wanna bet?"

She punched me straight in the face, so I spin kicked her gut.


The bell rung and I was instantly in control, she somehow managed to counter and put me in her submission.

"Aw poor Becky, losing to me just like you've lost to everyone."

I rolled her up and almost got the three count, I heard Nia's music hit and saw her walk to the ring with Nattie. I expected them to attack me but no they attacked Shayna causing a DQ win for me.

"See unlike Shayna here Becky has got friends, like Natalya the smackdown womens champ and me the irresistible force. See you in hell bitch..."

We all walked up the ramp, I'm a little pissed that I didn't get to put her in the disarmer but at least she was dealt with. I walked backstage and was met with loads of hugs. Stephanie walked up to me big smile on her face.

"Becky can we talk? In my office."

I followed her down and saw Vince and Hunter sitting there with a contract before them.

"Before you is a contract, of you sign this contract you will compete in Wrestlemania 40 against Baszler for the Raw women's championship. What do you say?"

"Wow, of course I want to but I've got kids who need me. I can't be on the road for 6 months."

"Also if you win this years royal rumble you will be the main event."

"The first ever main event of mania, that could be you?"

"I've got to talk to Colby."

"Yes of course, but let us know. It'll be lovely to have you back Becky."

"Thanks Steph."

I walked out and rung Colby, of course I wanted to do it but I've got responsibilities.

"Hey you did great!"

"Colby they want me to main event mania."

"Really? Women have never done that before!"

"I know but the kids."

"Becky you go and sign the contract, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity. We'll find a way to look after the kids and work. It'll be fine, go and sign it. I love you."

"I love you too."

She hung up, I wasn't going to kill her fun and not let her do it. Yes she'll be gone for longer but 6 months on the road can't hurt? Can it?

A/N: So this is the third and final book in 'The Accident series' I promise! I wanted to do this because I think it'll be fun, if you don't like it let me know and I'll delete it. But I'll see you all soon!

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