She leaned down towards his head and she could see his nose twitching and so she knew that he knew she was right there.

{ ⋆ Selene ⋆ } Goodbye Viktor... and good riddance.

She reached her muzzle down to his throat and clenched her jaws against it. The gushing sound of his blood squirting from his flesh was both exhilarating and disgusting to her.

She held his throat firm and kept clamping down until she heard the bones crunch and heard his breathing stop completely. She just stood there with his throat and remaining portions of his body dangling from her mouth with her eyes closed, trying to calm and center herself.

She dropped him and raised her neck up towards the sky and howled to the Moon Goddess above for him. She wasn't sad at the loss of him, no, she was glad Viktor was fine, but she howled because she was sad at the loss of one of her kind, a werewolf... sad at the fact that it had all come down to this, death.

Once her howl was complete, she reached down and picked him up by his throat again and began her long trek back to the house.

She didn't run, even though she was wanting to get back, take a shower and be with Virgil again, she just felt like a huge weight was on her with his death and needed the time to think things through and come to terms with not only killing a fellow werewolf, but also a fellow classmate, and future brother.

* * * *

It was almost dawn when she finally reached the house, and there on the porch stood Ralph, no doubt he took the night watch. He watched her walk up to the entrance of the opening where they had entered from but did not walk through, she only stood there... Viktor's remaining body, dragging from her mouth. It didn't take long for Ulfric to come running out of the backdoor in his sleepwear, as well as her parents and classmates, who clearly stayed the night.

But sadly no Virgil...

There were several gasps and curses coming from everyone who stood on the upper porch looking down at the bloodied and mutilated body of Viktor, hanging from Selene's blood soaked maw with her own equally bloody body that she had already healed long ago.

{ ⋆ Ulfric (King) ⋆ } *sighs heavily* So the holmgang is completed... Selene is the vic... *stops as he realizes that calling her the "victor" would be ironic in a macabre way and thought better of it* ... winner. Congratulations my dear.

Ulfric nodded towards Ralph who pulled up the horn and blew it, signaling the end to the battle. Once the horn started, Selene dropped Viktor's body where she stood and howled once again. When the horn stopped, she did too then walked back into the forest.

It was clear that everyone was confused by what she was doing by the sounds or questions they made, but she only walked towards where she left her clothes, changed back to her human form and put them on.

She walked back out almost zombie like as she walked up to Viktor's body. She reached down and closed his opened blind eyes and then stepped over it and through the wolf and opening.

She walked up the steps and looked towards Madison, Gavin and Davis and they looked at her with not just hate for killing their friend and leader, but also fear because she HAD done just that and her eyes seemed so empty and lost as they looked at each of them.

The Wrong Mateजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें