Chapter 25

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The week flew by fairly fast, and even though she was at school with her friends all week, there was that looming elephant in the room. No one tried to bring it up, seeing how it was such a hard pill to swallow, and no one wanted to even think about the outcome.

Viktor kept his distance from Selene as his father had commanded, and at first word got around quickly that she had dumped him for his brother, making her a "grade A slut"... the brother that was now missing and in a coma.

Several rumors about Virgil were going around firstly that Viktor beat the hell out of Virgil, but since he had been hanging all over Madison the past week and even more so now, that soon everyone changed their minds to saying Selene was bad luck.

Apparently she was such bad luck that Viktor dumped her and then she got with Virgil so the  left to get away from her "crazy ass". Whatever the rumors were, people stayed away from her, except her friends, which suited her just fine. Hell, even the hallways would part like the Red Sea of people for her and it was kinda nice.

But whatever the rumors were, it didn't phase Selene, because she knew the truth and was trying to focus on the battle to come. She would spend her time training or meditating with her powers in between being with Virgil.

Today was Friday, after school and tomorrow night, the holmgang. Selene sat in the theater room with her friends at the Alpha King's home that has become her home as well, but her mind wasn't on the movie. She snuck out so as to not disturb her friends, and walked towards where Virgil was. Just laying there... still... unmoving... devoid of his obnoxious but adorably cute personality.

{ ⋆ Selene ⋆ } Hey baby.. *walks over and sits next to him holding his hand* So tomorrow night I take your place in the holmgang. And...

She took a deep breath to hold back the tears that threatened to fall.

{ ⋆ Selene ⋆ } And I don't know what the outcome will be but whatever happens, I want you to know that I love you with all my heart and I hope like hell you will wake up... hopefully before the battle just in case I...

The tears had fallen. She didn't want to acknowledge the possible outcome that she could die and not get a chance to hear his voice, feel his tingling touch, or taste his delicious lips hungrily devour hers one last time.

She hadn't heard the door open and a person walk in so when they spoke, it startled her.

{ ⋆ Ulfric (King) ⋆ } Ralph's wife says that his brain is getting a little bit more oxygen than before but still not enough yet.

{ ⋆ Selene ⋆ } *jumped but then sighs with sadness* Yea, I figured as much. He doesn't seem to be changing... what am I going to do Ric? Even if I win, he still hasn't woken up and what if he doesn't ever?! How can I live without my mate that I literally just got!? *tears streaming down her face again*

{ ⋆ Ulfric (King) ⋆ }*looks down and walks over towards her pulling her into a fatherly hug* I don't know. When I lost mine... their mother, I didn't have much time to grieve. Not only was I taking care of our pack but overseeing thousands of other packs and on top of that, two toddler boys! If it wasn't for Ralph and his mate helping out with them, I'm not sure I would have known what to do...

{ ⋆ Selene ⋆ } I know, you had it a lot worse than me, but I'm just not used to this whole "adulting" thing... can't I just go back to being a snot nosed kid and not having to deal with all this stress? *whines playfully as she sniffles*

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