It had been a few hours as they cuddled up together and made out... even went for round two, before deciding it was best she went and slept back in Viktor's room. Viktor never came back home that night and sure enough in the morning, his mark disappeared just like it had before... this time Virgil was there to observe it.

 this time Virgil was there to observe it

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{ ⋆ Virgil ⋆ } Whoa... that's fucking SWEET! *is giddy like a toddler in a candy store*

{ ⋆ Selene ⋆ } You're such a guy sometimes.. *giggles as she pushes his chest playfully*

{ ⋆ Virgil ⋆ }*grabs her and slobbery kisses her* Oh yea?!

{ ⋆ Selene ⋆ } *laughs and tries to get away but he holds her* Sooo groooosssss!

{ ⋆ Virgil ⋆ }*stops playing and deepens the kiss which she moans into. After a bit he pulls away and smiles at her* I love you...

*smiles up at him and steals another kiss* Should I tell him? Am I ready? Is it true love or the bond? Oh fuck it, who cares!!

{ ⋆ Selene ⋆ } *breaks the kiss* I love you, Virgil. *blushes heavily*

{ ⋆ Virgil ⋆ }*growls excitedly as he wraps his arms around her waist, lifting her up and spinning her around* HELL YEAH!!

She laughs some more before they kiss one last time then go to get ready for school.

She laughs some more before they kiss one last time then go to get ready for school

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