His hand reached over and placed itself into her bare thigh. A shiver of disgust shot through her spine and made her want to gag, but she just ignored it and kept her eyes out the window.

* * * *

It didn't take them long to finally reach the Alpha King's house that was now going to be her prison.

Well, at least it's a hella nice prison.... It was essentially a mansion surrounded by a forest. But what does one expect for the Alpha King to reside in? A cardboard box?

 But what does one expect for the Alpha King to reside in? A cardboard box?┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ┉ ╯

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Viktor drove to the right side set of garages and parked his car in the first one. He then got out of his car and began to walk out.

Not even much of a gentleman to open the fucking door for "your" supposed mate?... jerk.

She was just about to open the door when she heard a growl and Viktor open her door with a very irritated look on his face.

━{ ⋆ Viktor ⋆ }━ Come on, let's go. I've got things to do and I want to get this marking done. I've waited patiently long enough. *reaches in and grabs her arm roughly and drags her out of the car*

{ ⋆ Selene ⋆ } Ouch! You don't need to always man handle me ya know!

━{ ⋆ Viktor ⋆ }━ *yanks her towards him so she bounces into his hard chest* Watch your tone with me woman, or I'll knock those words right out of your mouth.

Great! Just great! He's turned into an even more of an asshole since he decided to go all crazy and claim me.

He basically dragged her into the front of the house and surprisingly she had a moment to actually take in the fact that the front door was absolutely stunning. It had a wood carved wolf inset in it and it was beautiful.

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