"This is insanity" she muttered. "How can I expect him to call me every evening, he is a busy man and for that reason cannot be at my beck and call" she cautioned herself. He might not even be at home she thought, closing her eyes and willing herself to sleep.

It was dark when Uche got home from the office; he had spent a gruesome day with Star working. He didn't have lunch and he was very hungry. He went straight to the kitchen. What a day he thought as he prepared to eat. He laughed quietly remembering the scene with Ken, though he wasn't sure if the deal between him and Nma was still on but he was sure that she had seen the guy's true color and would soon give him back his engagement ring. Then he stopped as the magnitude of what he had done dawned on him. If he made her break off her engagement, what was he offering her in return? He asked himself. Wasn't he selfishly denying her a chance of settling down in exchange for one or two rumps in his bed that would be forgotten soon enough? Because he was sure that was all he wanted from her. Suddenly he felt like a big liar but surely he wanted nothing from the girl but a brief affair till his lust was sated. That had been the plan and he had better stick with the plan. Yes given he cared for her probably because she was younger than most women he had dated. He had never dated anyone that young before, so it was natural if he felt sorry for her but he wanted her, the thought of her sets him on fire. He was sure that if Star hadn't called with her troubles, he would never have left her and he would probably have brought her home with him. He wondered what she thought of him, wouldn't she rather be surprised that he had not taken any definite step in consummating their affair? Then he asked himself why he always gave in to the numerous excuses she gave. And why was she afraid of sleeping with him because he was also sure that she was. Then he remembered Ken. Was she really afraid of cheating on him, he doubted that after seeing the two of them together. There was no familiarity between them that showed that they were lovers. They were distant and almost gave out the impression that there was no love lost between them. It was obvious they didn't love each other. So at the long run he was doing her a big favor. She was better off alone than being with the wrong man and even a blind man could see that Ken was all kinds of wrong for her.

He left the kitchen and slowly made his way to his bedroom and she followed him. She had sat at a corner watching him as he ate. She didn't feel inclined to hide because he hadn't bothered to turn on the light. He had been contented to eat in the darkness. But she observed that his mind was not in the meal because he would stop eating for while thinking then he would resume eating again and she wondered what he thought about. She hoped it was about work and not about a woman, especially the woman he had dinner with on the beach. If it was about work then she could help him by loving him but if it was about that woman, there was only one way of helping and that would be getting rid of the woman. She wondered why the thought of this particular woman bothered her so much more than the others. She wasn't the first woman he had brought to the house and most of the women ended up spending the nights, he had even gone steady with some of them, so why was she scared of this one? Even his girlfriend Angela didn't scare her, she could tell by watching them that he had no emotional attachment to Angela. Then she stopped shock, and then she knew why she was scared of the woman. She had watched them together, she had seen the light come to his eyes when he looked at her, she had seen him exhibit tenderness as he sought for excuses to touch her when they were together. She covered her mouth with her hands to stop herself from screaming. Uche was falling in love with another woman. No! She thought, she had to be mistaken, he couldn't. She wouldn't let him have another woman. She was his woman; the only one he was destined to have. No, it couldn't be true; he hadn't brought the woman home since then. If he was falling in love with the woman would he not prefer to spend the weekend with her. But he left since morning possibly to her house. She stopped as he closed the door behind him. She knew he would turn on the lights and television set to catch the late news especially business news then he would take his bath and go to bed; then she would creep in as usual to watch him and just before dawn she would sneak out. She laughed because she was nearly caught by his sister the last time she had sneaked in to watch him sleep but she had been smarter. She decided she wasn't going to think about his latest fling, she was not important, even if she was, she could very easily get rid of her like she had gotten rid of almost everything she disliked. She smiled and waited for the indication that he was sleeping. And one day, she knew she would get the courage to climb into his bed. She smiled and closed her eyes to day dream of all the wonderful things they could do together on his bed.

WHEN THE HEART KNOWS  (BILLIONAIRE BAD BOYS BOOK 1     BY Chioma OnuohaWhere stories live. Discover now