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As I rode, Morgan relied more and more on me, constantly needing me to steady him as he couldn't sit upright. I grunted and shoved him forward. I didn't need anything else restricting my lungs.

"Where we going?" Morgan asked, sounding almost drunk.

"Your camp, which is where exactly?"

He chuckled. "I'm not telling you that."

"Even though I just snuck you out under O'Driscoll's nose? I risked my life for you."

"If your friends couldn't get it outta me, you ain't gonna neither."

I scoffed. "Fine." We rode in silence a while longer. It was much harder to see where we were riding at night, and Morgan didn't help any, but I was almost certain we were going the right way. I found an abandoned house a while back that would serve as perfect cover until I could get rid of him.

And here we are. I slid off the horse and held out a hand to a rocking Morgan. "If you fall, I'm not catching you." He took my hand and about fell on his face, but somehow managed to stay upright. I led him inside and into the living room. "This is your new home until you're better so get used to it." I returned to the horse to retrieve my stuff but left Morgan's guns on her. There was no way I'd chance putting those things anywhere near him.

He couldn't get comfortable on the wood flooring but I didn't pay any mind as I laid out my sleeping bag and pillow. I sat down and counted my money, lingering on each dollar with a grin on my lips. I could start a new life with this, escape the wrath of O'Driscoll no sweat. And with the added cash from returning Arthur I'd be set for the foreseeable future. Earlier I'd heard some men from the Van der Linde gang talking and it sounded like Dutch had no clue where Arthur was. If I just so happened to find him and nurse him back to health, they'd no doubt pay good money for my services.

"I should probably help you out with all...that." I pointed to him, as there was no specific part of him more damaged than the rest. I grabbed my limited medical supplies and walked over, sitting down in front of him. He watched me carefully, like he expected me to stab him at any time. "Wanna say something Morgan?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I still don't know why you helped me." He looked at me intently, as if searching for a key to the mystery that is me. Lying was my strong suit.

"I couldn't stand to hear you scream anymore." I wrapped a particularly nasty cut on his upper arm, gently touching it so as not to hurt him more.

"I thought all O'Driscolls were emotionless bastards," he mused. I smiled.

"Well I'd like to think that, from now on, I'm not an O'Driscoll." I looked into his eyes, and for a moment I could've sworn I saw kindness there. "'Sides, now I can be free." I slid my knife up to the binder and cut it, allowing me to breathe deeply for the first time in forever. I threw the binder away in relief and smiled. It was the only reason I could fake being a man to get into their stupid gang, but now that I was free of them, I was free of that wretched thing as well.

Arthur cleared his throat, head turned away as I realized he could see a little too much. I covered back up as I sent a smirk his way. "You never seen a woman before Morgan?"

"Are you decent?" was his reply.

"Yes sir." He faced you again.

"Thanks for helping me." He sounded really sincere. He reached out a hand to touch me and I quickly tied a knot in the bandages and leaned back.

"There. That's all I can do for now." The small traces of light coming through the window from the moon helped me out a little bit but I could only bandage the wounds I could clearly see. "I'll have to take a trip to town tomorrow to get more." I didn't like spending money but it would get me more money when I returned him to his gang so it was worth it.

"Where are we?" Arthur asked.

"Somewhere safe, that's all you need to know." I strolled over to my bag and pulled out an apple, tossing it to Arthur. "That's all the food I've got."

"Thank you."

"Soon you'll be ripe as rain." The sooner the better. I want that money, then I'll be long gone.

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