Chapter 3:

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Jayla's POV:

I don't really like my job.The job is really stupid.I got to clean and collect tips from customers.

I went to the park and sat down on a bench.Someone else,sat on the bench too.I didn't notice it was Tiffany."Hey.I'm really sorry,you got fired."She said.

"It's okay."I said.Tiffany left and a rich girl sat down.Her lips are so red,and it puckers out a lot.
"Hey loser.She says.Look at your face."She gave my a mirror and there are kisses on my cheeks!

I almost freak out."Ahh,who did this?"I asked."Haha,it's me."The rich girl kissed me two times when I close my eyes to rest.Eww,that's disgusting.I rush home and ran into the bathroom.

I wash my face.Ding,dong!I went to open the door.It was the rich girl again."Hi,again."She said happily."Your mom and my mom became friends.They said I can go to your house for a sleepover."

Leona, came up and said,"I'm sorry for firing you.Can you please come back?"She asked."No thanks."I answer."The job is icky."I added.Leona,was wearing her dumb polyester pants with a black leather jacket.

"Is that fashion anyway?"The rich girl asked.Leona didn't answer her.

At school...

Everyone look at the rich girl.Her name was Madilyn Cousy.Even my senpai look at her.I was in Mr.Sterlings science class."So class,what is a biologist ?"He asked."It means an expert or a student of the branch of science concerning living organisms."Leona,blurt.

"Bruh,Leona can you raise your hand first before you speak?"I asked."Yea..."She answer.It was soon dismissing time.

I felt a punch on my back."Hey you."I said while slapping Sarah's face."Why did you punch me?""Because you told Leona a babyish rule in front of everyone!"She bark.

Geez,that girl had some problems.It looks like Sarah felt in love with Leona.I hate people when my enemy with another enemy fall in love with each other.

The girl I can't help itWhere stories live. Discover now