One Look - part 5

Start from the beginning

em: hey y/n anything happen with sarah yet?

charlize: oh right. anything u wanna tell us?

y/n: oh crap. i cant believe I forgot. 

charlize: holy crap. you forgot! omg 

em: wow-

y/n: ok ill text her right now brb. ill let you two know how it goes

charlize: good luck

em: ^^

You threw your head back into the head rest of your seat. You thought about what to say and decided to just go with the simple route.

y/n: Hey Sarah! It's y/n. Sorry for not texting you earlier. My agent didn't tell me about this interview I had.

sarah: oh no worries! I have to be honest. I was scared you weren't going to text me!

y/n: ahh I'm sorry.

sarah: lol don't apologize. i hope you don't mind me asking but what happened on stage?

y/n: what are you talking about?

sarah: during your acceptance speech. it looked like something was wrong

y/n: oh right. uhm how about I tell you over some food?

sarah: is that a date? 

She said that. She actually did. Your cheeks burned bright red and you really had nothing to say. The phone vibrated in your hands.

sarah: haha just a joke :) food sounds good.

y/n: lol great! ill send you the location later, but is 7 okay?

sarah: yeah! see you soon <3

You stared at that heart. It made your heart throb. She was able to make you feel that way. Through a text!

charlize: anyways. you guys wanna go out?

em: yes.

y/n: can't. sorry

em: what?

em: you actually have a life now?

y/n: uhm ma'am yes obviously

charlize: you have plans with sarah, don't you?

y/n: maybe. maybe not 

charlize: awww tell uss

em: yeah come on y/n

y/n: it's just dinner. i don't want to make a big deal out of it, if it's nothing. i don't even know if I actually want this to be a big thing

charlize: oh you so do. don't try to lie

em: the way you only talked to her for like five minutes and didn't want to leave her

y/n: because I liked our conversation

em: yeah right

charlize: did she say anything that shows you shes interested

y/n: just a little heart. but what if she does that to everyone

em: ooooo a heart ;)

y/n: stop winking em

em: ;) 

em: ;)

em: ;)

y/n: i-

charlize: is it fancy? the restaurant?

y/n: no I don't want it to be like a date and maybe freak her out

charlize: alright then. good luck

em: bye weirdos

y/n: bye

Sarah POV

"She didn't say anything back. It's okay right? Yeah, what is she supposed to say anyways." These words went through your mind. Your palms were getting a bit sweaty and you fiddled with your fingers for a while before texting the group.

 sarah: hey guys?

sandy: hi

cate: heyyyyy

sandy: you alright there blanchett

cate: yesss

sarah: did u drink? its only like 4

cate: nooo I promise

sandy: okay anyways what's up sarah?

sarah: soooo y/n invited me out to dinner and I don't know what to think about it

sandy: what do you mean?

sarah: like is it a date? or like a get together?

sandy: do you have feelings for her?

sarah: I think so. we aren't that close yet, but I felt our connection when we talked yesterday

cate: okayyy well just see how it goes and figure it out from there

sandy: surprised u still have logic right now blanket

cate: STOP CALLING ME THAT anyways- I'm always smart even when I've had a couple of drinks

sarah: AHA u admitted to drinkingggg

cate: whatever

sandy: let us know how it goes sarah

sarah: talk to you guys later 

cate: byeee paulsonnn

sarah: someone get her water

hiii soooo I'm honestly having a lot of fun when writing. i do need ideas this chap literally took me four hours cuz I needed to figure out what to do with the characters anyways stay safe and please. WEAR. A. MASK. thank you :) - ayva

One Look - Sarah PaulsonWhere stories live. Discover now