2: catching up

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: uhm.. @.@

you kinda looked confused like, you find him familiar but can't guess who he is. then, he realized that you don't recognize him

"by the looks of it, you don't remember me. right?" he asked. "i'm hurt."

: no- wait a minute, Kwon Soonyoung?

Soonyoung: yes. /he chuckled, how are you?

: /you were stunned and shook your head, it really is you? not fair. why are you way taller than me now... ㅠ.ㅠ

Soonyoung: "puberty" /he said and both of you laughed

: how have you been?

you've spent hours talking to him. when the party ended, you exchanged numbers with him and continued your conversation. your suitcase was sitting in the corner of your room and you were supposed to unpack. then you didn't realize how long you've been talking on the phone.

Soonyoung: i think i haven't asked this yet, but how long are you staying?

: for about four to seven months? not exactly sure about the date. /you yawned, it's already 2 am. we've been talking for an hour or two already.

Soonyoung: ohh you're right.. /he chuckled, so Aera.. can we hang out next week? maybe grab some coffee or something.

: yeah of course. just text me when you're free.

Soonyoung: look at the time. you should definitely go to bed. sorry for keeping you up.

: no it's fine. /you chuckled, i had fun catching up with you. see you next week. goodnight.

Soonyoung: jal jayo (goodnight).

the first few days were spent with your family, just catching up with some family time. the following week, you hung out with Soonyoung. you both kept on reminiscing about the old days, and you also met a few of his friends. you were even mistaken as his girlfriend at first. which both you and Soonyoung find it funny.

: i swear your friends are funny. /you laughed, they made my stomach hurt from laughing too much. and they kept on insisting about us. ㅋㅋㅋ

Soonyoung: yeah.. /he chuckled, sorry about that. the rain won't stop pouring /he said looking out the window, you sure you want to drive in that kind of weather?

: it hasn't stopped yet?

Soonyoung: yeah it's been raining for almost an hour now.

: how am i going home..

Soonyoung: you can stay for the night, it's fine with me.

: you sure? i can head over to Mingyu's since he lives nearby.

Soonyoung: /he shrugged, it really is fine. i insist. you can stay here.

: mind me calling Mingyu over?

Soonyoung: sure. /he smiled, also tell Mingyu if he can bring his playstation so we can play. also, wait i'll just look for some clothes i could lend you.

: okay, thank you~ /you reached out for your bag to call Mingyu

(on the phone)
:Kim Min Gyu-ssi, i'm here at Soonyoung's. kinda stranded since the rain won't stop and i drove here. go get your ass over here. also, Soonyoung said to bring your playstation.

Mingyu: you said it yourself, it's raining hard, yet you want me to go there?

: aish this kid.

Mingyu: /laughing his head off, wow Lee Aera-ssi calling me "this kid". ㅋㅋㅋ you still have that temper of yours. i was just joking, i'll be there in 30 mins.

: "you still have that temper of yours." /mimicking Mingyu, i'm hanging up. hey Soonyoung, Mingyu's on his way.

Soonyoung: okay, just make yourself at home.

stay tuned! please support me throughout the story~

f i g h t i n g!!!~

and have a great day ahead of you^^


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