"Uh.. well, you'll just have to see how it goes." Valentina shrugged. Soon she started rambling on about everything I needed to know about the school, which I was grateful for, but I zoned out a little, lost in my thoughts. Valentina was obviously a talkative person, and at various points of the conversation she mentioned something about the position of Jupiter and constellations. It was a bit baffling, but I didn't  question it.

"I'm sorry, I've been told I'm a little much.. sometimes I get compared to Phoebe on Friends." She looked apologetic, but I just chuckled.

"Don't be sorry, I like it. It's nice to have someone to talk to on my first day, and being compared to Phoebe should be an honour. She's the best." And the rest of the lunch break was filled with me mostly listening to Valentina, not tiredly, but in a kind of fascinated way. I knew that she could be a really good friend.


"Are you sure you don't want us to come over and cook you dinner?" Monica asked through the phone for the third time, causing me to sigh for the second time.

"Honestly, I can cook, have a nice evening with Carlson, please." Finally after five minutes of persuading, she gave in, and let sit in peace. The truth was that I wanted to go and get a takeaway because I was in the mood for trashy fries. So at around half six in the evening, I slipped on my grey coat and black ankle boots, grabbing my purse then leaving the house. The sky was a dusky type of orange due to the sunset. It was pleasant, walking down the streets by myself and listening to good old Fleetwood Mac through my earphones. I kept my head down a little because there were quite a lot of people walking around, but luckily no one interrupted my stroll. It was interesting the more I walked around, I could see what the town had in it, and then I found an alright looking place that sold fries, which was literally all I was looking for.

"Hey." I smiled at the man behind the counter. He just nodded, obliviously not a very enthusiastic person.

"What can I get you?"

"Uh, just small fries please." I asked a little nervously. I was a shy person, and talking to random people was awkward. He just nodded, turning his back to me and doing what he had to do I guess.

My routine when I waited in shops or places like this was to just go on my phone, or at least look like a was, because that was better than just staring at the floor waiting. Instagram was pretty boring, nothing interesting going on, so I decided to play a few random games. After five minutes the man cleared his throat, indicating that it was done, so I thanked him, grabbing the food and going back outside to the now darkened streets. I didn't exactly plan this out, because I was scared of walking alone in the dark, and for some reason my brain didn't think before leaving the house. I pulled up the collar of my coat as the night air hit my skin, keeping my eyes trained to the floor.

Suddenly I heard something, I couldn't quite work out what it was, like a little 'snap'. I spun around, trying to locate where it was, but there was nothing there except for a few trees on the left of me belonging to a park. Chills ran down my spin, not knowing if I'd just imagined it. But I was almost sure, it was so quiet around that the sound has stood out. Staying in my frozen state, I held my breath in the hopes of hearing just the slightest noise to confirm my feeling that someone was near. Though there was nothing else. So I sped walked back home, not looking back. As soon as I got in the safety of my house, I sighed in relief, throwing myself onto my bed and sighing. There couldn't have been anything there, right?


Later that night I couldn't sleep. I kept tossing and turning, so eventually I gave up on the hopes of rest, and got up, slipping on a baby pink gown. I opened my curtains and noticed the moon, a perfect crescent in the sky. A smile formed on my lips, I'd always loved the moon and stars. In fact, I'd brought a camera a while ago so I could take good pictures of them. Rummaging around my bags, I found my camera.

"Ah, I've missed you." I mumbled to my camera, opening the window to focus the lens on the bright light. I pressed the button, causing it to make a little 'snap' sound. That's when I froze, suddenly realising what the noise from earlier had been.

A camera.

I didn't know what to think or do, I tried not to jump to conclusions, it might have just been someone taking a picture of themselves in the park and I just didn't see them.

But I just had a intense and worrying feeling that someone had taken a picture of.. me.


Not gonna lie, that was fun to write.
- H

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