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I know everything now. Why I had this diary with myself. It must have been Yoongi's friend who dropped it in my bag yesterday. And then I packed all the books collectively in the cardboard box. It must be how it ended up here.

But that's not important.

Yoongi is in the hospital. His operation is tomorrow! He's there. Right there. I must meet him at any cost. I have to see him. I have to see Yoongi before he undergoes the battle of life and death. I'll tell him all the sweet things. I'll give him words of encouragement and motivation. He will live. He has to live. He will definitely live for me!

I quickly get up from my place and wipe the tears away. Putting on a heavy coat from the closet, I clutch the diary in my hands. 'Seoul National Hospital' is it? I'll go there as soon as possible.

(Third person pov)

Jimin walks out of his home. As he reached near main street, he feels cold water drops prickling on his skin.
Is it going to rain? I better hurry.
His eyes catch a taxi nearby.
Great! I'm coming Yoongi.

"Please take me to the Seoul National Hospital as fast as you can."

The rain soon becomes into thunder. Heavy sounds of lightening and gushes of wind are heard. The hospital far being from his home. It was taking too long. Jimin quietly stares out the window with a blank look, eager to be united with the boy for one and all.
He suddenly feels a jolt as the vehicle stops moving.

"We're here Sir."

Jimin hops off the car and dashes inside the building after paying. The hospital was quite big. He hadn't been there before. Where are you Yoongi?
He looks around the surroundings. Just hallways, doors and people. Who should he go to? The reception!
Jimin makes his way to the receptionist, clutching the diary tight in his hands. He sighs out as he speaks. The receptionist told him to go to the second floor where the operational patients were being treated.

After walking up the stairs, Jimin reaches out to the counter for the second floor patients. Panting from fast pace. While his clothes slightly wet from the rain.
"Can I see Min Yoongi please? I'm his friend." He says.
The lady at the counter nods before looking into her document of the record of patients.

"Sir, what name did you say again?"

"Huh?..Ah it's Min Yoongi. Please tell me his room number."

The lady rechecks her document twice. She speaks again after a while.

"Sir, I don't suppose there is any Min Yoongi here."

WHAT? How could it be??
"Miss are you sure? Min Yoongi. He's been in hospital for months now!"

Jimin kept arguing with the lady asking her to check again. He even showed her the picture of Yoongi's sketch from the diary.
But it was no use. He had to back out in defeat. There's no way they have no record of their own patient. But that's what is happening. Jimin was beyond confused.
Is it really a prank? Was someone trying to fool me??

He gazes at the diary at in his hands. Slowly bringing it up and turning over to see if he missed something. There he saw.
At the top right corner of the backcover. There were four numbers. An immediate realization hit him. Sending shivers down his spine. Everything makes sense now.
Why he didn't recognize that boy despite interacting with him. Why they had classes together despite grade difference. Why he didn't remember any events that occurred in the diary. Why no one in his university or hospital knows about Min Yoongi. Everything was crystal clear now.

Those four numbers were the year. The diary being from three years ago.

Diary [Yoonmin]Where stories live. Discover now