Extended Ending + A/N

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Hii!! I know it has been long but first of all, thank you so much for 50k+ reads on my book. I really never thought I would be able to reach this milestone I am so so grateful and happy ^^
As a thank you gift for my dear readers, I decided to make an alternative ending for Diary! For everyone who shed their tears and requested me to give a happy ending I finally worked on this chapter :D

But there is a twist. That's why I named it 'extended' ending. If you wish the story to end on heartwarming notes, you may not continue reading after ***** symbol!

Cold, almost chilling winds blew vigorously hitting against the leafless branches of dried trees, making them shake and shed off the snow that rested atop.

There was snow, snow everywhere as far as eye could see.

In the less populated town area that located on the outskirts of the city, there was much more open space and nature amongst the beautiful houses that occupied the place.

Park Jimin rubbed his gloved hands together, squirming a bit when the freezing winds striked again. He held on to the yellow handmade muffler wrapped around his neck. A cloud of hot mist escaped his mouth as he exhaled a sigh. A sigh of perhaps relief, or nervousness.

His eyes sighted right at the old fashioned vintage nameplate in front of him. That clearly read out the letters he had been searching for so long, "Min Family Residence". He was there, yes he was finally there. Daegu. In the neighborhood where Min Yoongi's family was supposed to reside. This one had to be their house.

Determination, as it could be termed the closest to what lighted in Jimin's bright irises. He was here with a purpose. A purpose to fulfill for his own sanity and well being. A purpose to get that constant uneasiness off his chest, for once and for ever...

Getting over the boy who wrote a whole diary for him, and trying to move on was never as easy as Jimin thought it should. Day and night, morning and evening, Jimin's thoughts would only be full of him. The boy's dedicated words, his feelings of such innocent love, and that one sketch capturing his breathtaking beauty. All would swirl around Jimin's head like a never ending whirlwind.

The boy had really come to occupy a place too special in Jimin's heart.

Another thing that would bother Jimin were his own feelings of unacceptance and possible doubts revolving Yoongi's disappearance. Despite the explanations and proofs being directly in front of him, he could not help but wonder what if? What if there could be some hope? What if there was still a chance he could see Yoongi?

He knew he was almost going crazy with these stupid assumptions, but what he also knew was... his conscience would never truly feel at ease until he visited Yoongi's grave himself. That was exactly what he needed. He needed to visit Yoongi's grave and give his condolences. Which would give him his answers and relieve him the guilt of never noticing Yoongi before. He would talk his heart out until all he wanted to say would be expressed. And maybe then... Jimin would be able to move on with peace.

So Jimin decided to find more information about the situation. Not much could be found but it was enough to get himself going. He discovered that immediately after the failed surgery, Yoongi's family had moved back to their hometown in Daegu, along with Yoongi's body.

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