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He knew it was wrong. There he was standing with ten other warlocks around the fire performing the ritual for that man. The man, who wore the long black coat, his eyes showing his  vision for the future, but his insidious smile showed that it was not good. 

He was reluctant to do the ritual. But why was he doing it then? 

Then the answer struck him. The man was silver tongued. Finally the time came. The time of the sacrifice. One by one all the warlocks walked into the flaming fire. He did not want to do this but....but ..... it was as if his legs were walking on their own. And finally he was sacrificed to the flame......................................

Third Person POV

The fire raged violently and suddenly turned black, blacker than the darkest of nights but not as black as the heart of the man.  A figure arose out of it. Runes sparking, glowing, sizzling, made way to a door, a black figure struck like lightening towards the man.

 "You are my servant now, Animedar, you can't harm me.," the man said.

 "Oh I, the man who has childish dreams of ruling the world, Marcus Aurelis."the demon said.

 "Its not just a dream or childish need Animedar, it is a vision. Our world is infested. I am just its savior.  Let's test your powers now, shall we?

 Oh we are gonna have so much fun together, Animedar......."

And his laugh, the darkest of laughs marked the start of events that would change the life of many or most probably...... destroy the lives of many...............

The Rick Chronicles. Part1: ArmageddonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora