Your pet is loose and trying to kill me

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I was floating. Yes, I was floating. An eerie silence. My body was luminous. Blue, glowing. I could not move. My body cemented. I floated towards a river flowing mid air, Souls thrashing in it, moaning trying to escape. I was in hell, I remembered. Then a women's voice boomed from the river, 

"Sheeee broooke the oathhh, sheee haddd to payyyy....."

Then the voice grew louder and louder and it was reaching to my very soul. I felt torment, agony, more worse than the phycopomp. Then I heard someone say, 

"Wake up!" and I was rocketed at full speed into a cave and in my own body.

I woke up punching Edward {it was an accident}, 

"Dude!" he complained. I scanned my surroundings, we were in a cave, stalactites hanging from the ceiling.

I had a sore headache. The headache was the kind that stopped all other traffic in the brain, as suddenly all had met with red lights. Where was a good cup of coffee when you need one?

Then I saw Max and words just sputtered out of my mouth, " You left us there to die, you ran away!"

To this Max retorted, "I went to fetch the magicians or else none of us would have been alive."

To this I observed an old man wearing a flowing robe and had a big white beard. 

"Rick, meet Ignotos Peverell, youngest of the magicians of Ra," Lucy said.

To this the magician cleared his throat and said in a boisterous voice,

"Hello, as everyone is awake and healed, lets move on to my brothers, hope they don't kill you or send you to eternal suffrage in hell, they are not as gratifying to visitors as me."

"But what happened to the phycopomp?" I popped the question out of curiosity.

"Oh simple cloaking spell, astonished that you didn't know it, I wonder what they teach in schools these days." He answered proudly.

Then he bagan muttering something to himself while walking forward probably about  today's school curriculum. Maybe living in a cave in hell does that to you.

We followed him into the dark tunnel lit only by strange glowing rocks lit here and there.

At last we reached a monstrous far-reaching arena.

In front of us were seated two magicians who were even more older and wrinkled and were surrounded by a light and runes seemed to swirling in the air around them.

They opened their eyes and their voice thundered in my head, they didn't move their mouth but I could hear them. I looked at the others and saw that they were too having a voice-in-the-head crisis. 

"Showoff", I heard Ignotos say.

" We know why ye are here. Thou seek knowledge on the congregatione. But remember this, the path ye are going to choose is full of threats and thy shall face some adversaries older than time itself. Remember this:-

The born of the harbinger

The fate in danger

The waking of eternal

The critter beyond infernal

The oath old broken

recieve retribution unspoken

The sacrifice of the adored

Alas ceases the disaccord...

Now I believe thou have all the information that thee need"

Then they turned to Lucy who gasped and then they said,

" but thou have disrupted  my peace, and ye shall pay for that. My chimera has been hungry for a few days. She shall enjoy fresh meat."

After saying so he smirked a little and a creature appeared, it had a lion face, a goat middle and a snake's end. It bellowed and emanated fire from his mouth. 


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And then it chased us, everyone got ready for battle but then Lucy looked at the watch and her expression was enough to make us aware of the situation. Time was slipping.  We were going to become one of the creatures of hell.

We looked at each other and we sprinted at full speed. The chimera followed us at full speed { I definately liked madds the hippogriff better now}. I, now and then, threw a fire ball at him to lower his speed. But as he breathed fire, it didn't make much difference to him. Lucy's spells were the thing keeping us from burning alive. But you could tell from her face that she was drained and the spell won't hold long.

 We were back outside. Lucy's spell broke. She fainted and I caught her {no, nothing romantic, we were in hell!  seriously!} Then as our doom approached, we heard the voice, a raspy voice, drier than sand. It was our old friend phycopomp. He touched the chimera, it face turned to shock and it turned to dust and crumbled. Ouch.

Then he turned to us reminding us that he was not our friend. He killed everyone who trespassed. He followed us. The portal opened and we jumped into vaulted into it for dear life. The portal closed behind us. 

Madam Pruice understood in one glance at us that our 3 hour expenses included trip to hell was not good.

I will write a bad review for hell:-  'Bad place, could use some ACs and has mythical creatures chasing you to kill.'

After everyone became orderly again, Madam Pruice was fitted with a full description of the visit.

" I knew it wasn't safe, I should never have sent you there." She said trembling.

" We went for info on the convocation and all we got was a prophecy from a shakespearean dude." I mentioned.

"That's not entirely true. Before he let the chimera loose on us,  he showed me something, " Lucy responded. 

" He showed me the convocation, the gems, and where they are now........."

Word count :- 983 words.

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The Rick Chronicles. Part1: ArmageddonWhere stories live. Discover now