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AnderYu : Comment if you spot some grammar errors etc. I edit them randomly so it's still manageable to read better than the mtl. Thanks a lots.


I AM YOURS · (1)


Ye Chen is dead.

Human opportunities often start after death, such as Ye Chen. She was a diligent little clerk during her lifetime. There is no life pursuit. Her greatest ideal is world peace.

Ye Chen's idea is very simple. Her IQ is definitely a fodder in a turbulent society, and it is possible to survive steadily under the radiance of socialism. For example, buying lipstick and bags as many as nine and five. As long as the world is peaceful, life is a blessing.

Just before she died, she met a guy who confessed at her. That was her first confession in 23 years.

When the other party gently asked her  "What are your wishes, I will fulfill it!" Since she was nervous, she blurted out, "I want world peace!"

At that moment, a thunder flashed through the sky, and she was struck down by the thunder to death in front of her secret crush.

Such a dramatic way to die. (||๐_๐)il||li

After she died, she became a transmigrator and owned a system called 3838438. This system is round and yellow like a smiley emoji when they first met. It tells her that her mission is to save world peace.

Note: I will change the system name to Kai for the next chapter and refers it as "he". Also, just imagine Kai looks like smiley emoji in the movie. The one that's doing lots of expression 😄 and No! I'm not an Exo-L. I just like that name😉

"We have to go to many books, each book is a world, and each world will have a core."

"For example, the core of this romance novel is :

Male lead and female lead are together; the core of Shuangwen is that the protagonist counterattacks and finally reaches the peak of life. Our goal is to save the big villains in the book that have caused the world to destroy and create human tragedies while keeping the core of the book unshakable, and establish the correct three views for the villains, thus ensuring world security. "

Kai been saying a lot, he thought Ye Chen would asked questions regarding her current situation or about the missions.

To his disappointment, Ye Chen only asked a question, " Is the villain handsome?"

At that time Kai feel a little flustered, but held back as he nodded and said, " He's very handsome."

Ye Chen agreed immediately.

"Wait!" Kai was baffled by the immediate reply.

"Don't you have any other problems? Do you know what kind of danger waiting? Those villains are scum! The kind of scum in the world! You really don't think about it ? "

Ye Chen shook her head decisively: "For world peace, I am willing to dedicate myself!"

Later, Kai knows that there is a saying in the world called **"As long as there's a handsome person, everything is good."

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