Always Forever

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Everyday felt like shit. Ralph trudged through everyday like a tired man, because that's exactly what he was. His mind was still berated everyday by thoughts crying over poor Simon. He missed being with Jack. Hanging out with Piggy was a poor excuse and barely managed to make a frail grin appear on his cheeks.

Piggy tried to be a good friend but it was really tough seeing the strongest suit of the friend group be so down in the dumps all the time. The teachers noticed it, and he certainly noticed it too. Ralph started smoking, which Piggy knew he did on rare occasions but now it was every break. It sucked. He smelled like cigarette smoke 24/7 and the bags under his eyes became very prominent in his features.

Jack had gotten a job in the local gas station and dropped out for god knows how long.

His boyish features had grown into that of a man's. He had a scratchy five o clock shadow and he had bags under his eyes that matched Ralph's. He didn't talk to his gang anymore. He minded his own business in a bitter lonely way.

Nothing happened in these days until the black-haired bastard decided to check in on Jack.

He slipped in the gas station during Jack's shift and just stared at him from the wall where he let his body slump on.

"When are you gonna come back to school? It's so boring without you." Roger said, shifting his eyes to a car dripping oil onto the concrete floor.

Jack slid out from under the car he was working on.

"What." It was posed more as a statement rather than a question.

"Now that the blonde soc is out of your life you have more time for m- I mean, the gang,"

He toed his way towards Jack who was now sitting upright on his creeper seat. Jack's pale blue eyes turned icy and cold at the mention of Ralph's visage.

"Listen, Roger, I don't give a shit about the gang anymore. I have a job now, I have work to do I can't just give it up for that."

"You sure gave everything up for him though."

Jack's eyebrow raised, "I gained more from being with him than I ever have with being near you."

Roger scoffed and rolled his eyes, "You care about me! Otherwise you wouldn't have stuck your pathetic dick in me."

Jack stood up and pushed him against the wall.

"That was a mistake. You know I don't love you and I never wanted to be with you in the first place."

Roger's eyebrows furrowed and he pushed Jack off of him.

Jack socked Roger in the eye at that
"Don't ever talk about Ralph like that ever again. You hear me, fucker?"

"If you ever say that shit about him again I'll make sure you regret being born."

Jack never even slept with Ralph, but he couldn't stand the slander that Roger was spouting. 

Roger left the service shop and kicked an oil canister. Great. Another thing that Jack would have to clean up. He should have Roger clean it up but god knows how he'd react to that.

"He knows."  Roger said curtly.
Jack was so angry. A red hot anger flowed through his veins, but he was so confused. He felt so close to blowing a fucking fuse.

He knew Roger was a bastard that wasn't really to be trusted but he was a longtime member of the gang so what more could he do? He quit the gang, much to the grievance of many of the good members, such as Maurice. Maurice was a good guy and understood about him and Ralph.

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