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'Dating his supposed arch nemesis?! How stupid was that?' Ralph thought to himself

But then again, no other soc had the red fiery hair that Jack did. No other soc had that comforting yet somewhat arousing aroma of cologne and cigarette smoke like Jack had. No other soc had kissed him so fiercely as Jack had. 

He put these thoughts to rest and soon fell asleep, a peaceful dream. One of a boy who had red fiery hair. 


The next day at school he felt nervous, as if people knew of his relationship. He supposed that he should feel happy to be in a relationship where he actually craved the latter, but he couldn't bring himself to be comfortable when he was walking down an empty hall by himself. He felt invisible eyes were on him. They knew he was a fairy. They knew he was queer. He feared the meeting where he'd get inevitably ambushed. 

It never came. 

His anxious thoughts and irrational fears died off as soon as he saw his friends. If only Merridew showed up to school as early as his friends did. Oh well, you can't change nature he supposed. 

"Hey guys!" Ralph said, hoping the anxiety didn't seep from his brain to his tongue. 

"Hi Ralph!" Piggy said, ebullient as always. 

Simon stayed silent but Ralph supposed that wasn't out of the ordinary for their friend group. 

he walked over the the table where they usually sat and sighed. Only this time the sigh sounded more happy, and he didn't feel anxiety that he had felt prior to seeing his mates. 

"Well don't you seem happy!", said piggy giving a slight nudge to Ralph 

"Did lover-boy finally pull through to you? or did you finally burst and tell 'em yourself?" 

"..Oh I.....haha." Ralph said, blushing so hard that he felt steam bleed out from his ears. He didn't necessarily answer Piggy, leaving him a big sodding clue right then and there. 

Piggy gasped and squealed with delight "you did get together!" 

Ralph kept the bright burning blush and let a little smile escape from him, glancing to the floor as if there were something more interesting there. 

"I suppose so." Ralph felt like he deserved an award for keeping this all contained in a cool sentence. He would have kept on talking if not for the shy appearance of a certain redhead freckled boy. 

He ran to Jack in a discrete manner, if running could be discrete and breathed out a hello. 

Jack ushered him to a more private setting, outside the library where no one permeated since it was still so early. 



Jack pulled out his cigarettes and offered one to Ralph. who, despite all he's been taught, took one. He lit Ralph's cigarette by touching the ends of his with his own. They breathed in that intoxicating nicotine and breathed out. Well, Jack did breathe it out. Ralph sort of coughed it out in a hacking gross way. 

"Man how do you stand these" 

Jack breathed out another grey cloudy mass of smoke and glanced to the side. 

"You get used to 'em."

Ralph was silent, taking in the features of the other boy not-so-subtley. The blonde looked at the other's bountiful freckles and poked a freckle, slightly larger than the others and giggled. Jack cocked an eyebrow while scanning him. Jack smiled and picked him up, placing him against the wall and kissing him, the hands he placed on the blondes face led Ralph's head closer to him. They embraced. Jack breathed in Ralph and Ralph could feel the smile on his crown. 

"I missed you." 

"Already? we saw each other yesterday, Merridew." Ralph said smugly, pulling Jack's face to his own and kissing his lips. 

"You, my dear, need chapstick." Ralph said, burying his face in the crook of jack's neck. 

Jack blushed, it matched cutely with his pale skin, since when he blushed even a little bit, it spread to his ears. 

"Pet names already?" 

"Well, yes, I want to get acquainted with this sort of talk since we are officially together now, love."

Jack bit his lip and glanced away, apparently embarrassed by pet names. 

"How come I need to get chapstick when I can already feel the residue of chapstick coming off from you? That's enough for me." Jack continued, "plus that means anytime I need some I can just kiss you." 

Ralph laughed, blushing and he pushed his shoulder away from him. 

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