Chapter 8

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Ty woke up early the next morning.
Then he got to the bathroom and got ready for the day.
Kit and him still needed to rest for today, then they could train, and go to patrol again.
Ty missed training, and hoped he could train with Kit tomorrow.
Lately Kit has been a lot on his mind again.
Of course he was constantly thinking about Kit these years they didn't talk, but he would always he sad when he thought about him.
It was like a part of himself was missing, now he found it, and never wanted to loose it again.
The bathroom door opened and Kit walked in.
„Hi.", he said.
„Hey, Kit. Have you slept well?", Ty asked.
„I talked a lot with Livvy and only got a few hours of sleep.", he said.
„Oh.", Ty felt some slight pain in his chest, he would have loved to talk to Kit.
„Is something wrong?", Kit asked, clearly worried.
„Everything's fine. What were you talking about?"
„Just my live in the past three years, you know, the same stuff I have told you a few days ago. Then Livvy told me about her past three years."
„Kit, I should have listened to you."
„What do you mean?", Kit said, clearly confused.
„I love Livvy, but I shouldn't have brought her back from the death."
„Why do you think that Ty.", Kit felt sorry for him.
„When we visited our family... they couldn't see her. She won't say it but it hurt her."
„I'm sorry Ty, but I understand why you brought her back...I  would have done the same thing for you and I wouldn't accept that you're gone."
„You would do that? For me?", Ty said in disbelief.
„Yes I would, you are importalt to me.", Kit said, and his hand brushed against Ty's slightly.
„Please don't do that okay?"
Kit nodded, but wasn't sure what he was capable of, If Ty would be hurt in any way.
„You're a terrible liar.", Ty said and laughed.
Ty's pinkie finger wrapped around Kit's pinkie.
It was just a light touch but the hair on Ty's neck straightened up anyway.
He immediately flushed and Kit seemed to notice because he let out a laugh.
„You're black hair is cute when it's messy.", Kit told Ty and it indeed was.
„Thank you.", Ty murmured under his breath.
„What? Is it the word ‚cute'?", Kit asked, grinning.
„I don't understand what you mean."
„You've got quiet and flushed.", Kit said.
„It's not the word.", Ty said.
„Then what is it?"
„It is-."
But Ty couldn't finish his sentence because Peter came into the room and asked.
„Hey guys. We're already searching for you."
„Coming.", Ty quickly said and hurried out of the room.
Kit wondered what he wanted to say.
Maybe that it's just the heat or-
„Kit?", Peter asked and then Kit went out of the bathroom too, thinking about Ty as always.

As Ty went down for breakfast, he thought about those glimmering eyes of Kit.
What did it mean?
Not knowing made him nervous, he would ask Livvy later.
Suddenly he remembered something wich happened three years ago.
Kit kissing Livvy, he pretended he didn't see, but he did.
It was as if a knife went right through his heart.
Maybe that was why Livvy was at Kit's room last night?
Do they love each other?
Ty would ask Kit right after breakfast.

Herondale's only love once-Kit and TyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin