Chapter 3: You're still here

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                                                                                Bella's POV

I took off my shirt leaving me with a sports bra on my body showing my busies that my ex made and my scars from self harming. I went to my gym bag and grabbed my ballet shoes and put them on then, decided to take them back off. I removed my sweatpants reviling my shorts.I stretched a little bit more and then played the music and made the music full volume. I closed my eyes and started to dance. Letting the music be my only escape. Soon the song came to a finished and I opened up my eyes and jumped when I saw a body in the studio, then I noticed that it was Austin and went back to my bag to put on my shirt. But, I'm pretty sure that he saw my body that was covered in bruses and scars. 

"I never thought you would stay in the studio this long." Austin decides to speak up. 

"It's not long it's short." I decided to replied.

"Nope." He replied back

"Yea." I said while packing up my things. He asked if I can take a picture with him and I said sure. 

"I just want to say that I'm alway here for you, You can always talk to me when any of my crew members/friends hurt you or anything like that. By the way If I do anything bad to you, you can tell my mother or me." He replied. Shit he knows about my past relationship, I bet Becky told him.

"Becky told you, didn't she?" I said sitting down as Austin did the same. 

"Yea. I'm just hurt that you went through that without telling anyone until a year and a half later." He replied trying to make eye contact but failing.

"You really don't need to feel sorr-" I was cut off my phone ringing. I put it on speaker thinking it was no one bad.

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