Field trip 2

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I was now happily munching on my favourite snacks. "How come they offered you their snacks?" I ask Roy cause if I asked they would all be quiet. "Oh don't you know I'm the Mr. popular of our college?" "The Mr. popular? How did you manage to get that title?" I ask in confusion. "Oh because of my handsome face of course." He says with a smirk. "I don't get what they see in that monkey face of yours." "Do you want me to take away all your snacks?" He says and threatens me. "No sorry." I say and enjoy the ride.

Half way I feel sleepy and fall into a deep sleep. I can't help it I couldn't sleep the whole night cause I was so excited.

Trevor's pov

I forgot to give her bag back and I think she's gonna kill me. We had reached the place and the blue bus was yet to come as it left last. Sam and I were waiting at the bus parking area for them. The bus finally comes and we see Sophie and Roy come our way. Where's scarlet? "Hey bro!" Roy says. "Where's Scarlet?" I ask. "She's right behind us, right?" Sophie says and turns around but there's no one. "She must be still sleeping in the bus cause she didn't sleep last night." Roy says. "How do you know she didn't sleep?" Sam asks. "Oh she kept calling me and I literally had to throw my phone away for her to stop." "You know something called silent mode on the phone?" Sophie says. "I did that but she started calling me from my house landline too. Then my neighbour also called me saying she had asked them to tell me to pick up my phone." He says out of breath. This girl was so excited. I tell them that I will go and wake her up. I then make my way to the blue bus.

Scarlet pov

I was sleeping and I felt someone shake me to wake up. I then rub my eyes and wake up. "Finally your awake." He says. "Trevor? What are you doing in this bus?" I ask confused. "We already reached the place and you were left behind." He says. "Ohhhhh." I then realised that the bus was empty. I stand up and walk to the exit of the bus. But Trevor didn't move. I look up at him. "Why aren't you moving?" "You look so cute when your asleep." He says. "Creep!" I say and slip through his arms and walk out. I meet the rest outside. "There you are." Sam says. "Let's go?" I say and everyone nods. "Don't you want your bag?" A deep voice says behind me. "Oh yea my bag,give it to me." I say and turn around to take my precious bag. "On one condition." "What is it?" "Don't be angry at me." He says and hands the bag. I laugh and nod taking my backpack and wearing it. We then walk to the area where the other students are.

"Each student will be given their own rooms at the hotel. We hope that you guys are mature enough to not do any inappropriate things during the trip." Many students laugh. "Now we will had out some maps to you all so you won't get lost. There's an emergency number too on the map in case you are in any trouble or if you are lost." We all get a map and we can clearly see the route to all the places nearby. "As all of you can see in your map there is a amusement park, this park will be open for us tomorrow, so today you all can either take rest or can explore around in the hotel or in the areas mentioned in the map. Before you all can go I would like all of you to write down your phone numbers on the record book here and your hotel rooms will be given to you here as well as the keys. If anyone does any mischief they will be sent back." The principal says and we all line up to write down the phone numbers.

We get our rooms and look at our keycard. "Room no.205." I say. "I'm in room 307." Sophie says. "I'm in the Same floor but mine is 301." Roy says. "Mine is 202." Trevor says. Trevor and I look at each other. "I guess that's right opposite to yours." He says and I nod. We all then look at Sam who's quiet. "I got 008." He says. "Dude That's at the ground floor and that's right beside the teacher's rooms." Roy says and we all laugh. "ITS NOT FUNNY AND WHY ME?" He shouts.

We all go to our respective rooms to keep our stuff. I scan the keycard and the door clicks. I hold the knob and twist it. It's open. I turn around and see Trevor standing beside his room door. "That's cool." I say and smile. "Yea it is." He says and opens his door too. I walk in and close the door behind me. I look around the room. It was beautiful. I place the keycard in the power slot and the lights lit up. I walk towards the bed and place my bag down. The room is absolutely amazing I can see the mountains from here. I walk into the balcony and open the doors. The air here is so fresh. I take a deep breath. I love it.

I was done keeping my stuff in the closet and washed my face. I was drying my face when the door bell rang. I walk to the door and open it. "Hey I got some drinks." Roy says holding up my favourite soft drinks. I smile and let him in. "You got my snacks?" "Yea I do." I say and get the snacks. We walk to the balcony and sit in the two chairs and set our stuff down. "Should we call the others ?" I ask. "Nah we ain't got enough for them let's just eat this plus Sam hate these." He says and pops open a can. I nodded. We all decided to take rest and go out tomorrow but Roy and I had some energy left so we decided to have a small hangout. "Hey what's with you and Daniel?" I ask as I sip my own can of soft drink. "He was my best friend." He says and looks down sad. "Was?" "He...well he has a small sister who kinda likes me and he is an overprotective brother. I don't like his sister though and one day when I was gaming at his house he had gone to the bathroom which left me with his sister. She tried to seduce me and well she came very close to me. I tried to push her off of me but I was afraid to hurt her. Right at the moment when I put my hand on her shoulder to push her off he walked in. He misunderstood our situation. His sister also played the 'oh I'm the innocent one here and he tried to do something to me.' Role. After that he was disgusted by me and wouldn't listen to me. I can't blame him cause well she is his sister and I'm just a best friend." He says. "And now he still believes that?" I ask and he nods. I put a hand on his shoulder and give a light squeeze. "Roy I know your not that type of guy and maybe if we could make him realise that it was not you but his sist-" "Scarlet I already tried to explain him but he didn't listen so there's no point." He says and I just nod cause Roy doesn't give up on his friendships.

The door bell again rings and I turn around confused. "Did you call someone else?" I ask Roy and he shakes his head in a no.

"Who could that be?"

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