Firm Boundaries

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You had to formulate a plan for if he approached you again. You couldn't tell anyone. It crossed your mind to tell Diane, but you didn't know her all that well, and she could have been that type of wife that refuses the believe their husband cheats. But you couldn't have been the first, not after the way Dusty had been treating you, saying she knew how Kylo Ren operated.

You had decided on simply sitting down with him and having a mature discussion about how it would be best for not only you and him but his child if you two kept it professional. Surely bringing in his child would make him more apt to leave you the fuck alone. You had one good experience with him. That was enough. You could officially anonymously post on that Reddit thread "I Fucked A Celebrity." That was enough.

You were sat in Ashton's room as he took his afternoon nap.

You had been given a work cellphone that was solely for contact with Diane. Kylo's number was on there, but he never called. It rang in your pocket.

It was a FaceTime from Diane. With a long groan, you answered.

You perked, "Hey!"

"Hey!" she was on a beach with a large sunhat on, "how's it going? How's the baby?"

"It's good, he's good," you pointed the camera to the crib, "napping, of course." You turned the camera back toward you.

"Good! I am so glad to hear it. I am sorry again that your schedule has taken such a dramatic turn," she cocked her head to the side, "look, be honest with me."

You stiffened in your seat, "Of course, always."

"Has Kylo given you any trouble?"

You froze for a moment, wide eyed. You replied before it seemed like something was wrong.

"No, not at all, why?"

"I know how he can be... he can be... brash, and I just don't want you to be deterred by that," she looked solemn.

"Oh, God, no. He's perfectly fine. To be completely honest, we haven't even interacted all that much," you lied. His cock had invaded your throat.

"Sounds like him..." she looked off camera and then back at you, "alright, alright I have to go. You know to call me if you need me!"

You smiled, "of course, bye, Diane."

She hung up the phone and you slumped in your chair. It sucked having to lie.

The next few hours snuck up on you. You had finished all your nightly duties with Ashton, and you found yourself taking yet another bath in your private bathroom. You knew in here at least, you could get some time alone to think. Or really not think at all. You needed to clear your mind.

But alas, your mind could not be cleared of the image of Kylo Ren. It was all you could think about. You needed to talk to him now. You knew he was home.

You got out of the bath and put on the most unflattering pajamas you could. You settled on the baggy flannel pants and permanently stained grey t-shirt you saved for the weeks you were on your period and felt gross. Sure he could resist you in this get up.

You exited your room and looked down the hall. His door was actually closed, but light and faint noise emanated from the crack underneath. You crept down the hall so none of the other staff would hear you.

You lifted your hand and knocked lightly on the door.

The door opened to reveal a shirtless Kylo Ren, wearing only black sweatpants. He looked down at you. "Yes?" his voice was a whisper.

Your eyes inadvertently flickered down his exposed torso. You shot them back up to look him in the eyes.

"I would like to talk to you. In private." You feigned confidence, a hand on your hip.

Hurt So Good (Kylo Ren x Reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat